Get it Done

~ ZEV ~

While Zev reached out to as many wolves as he could find, Sasha paced the floor of the room.

He hated having his attention elsewhere. He wanted to hold her, to reassure himself that she was safe. He didn't want to think about what she was about to walk into. But there was no time. She was right to be agitated. He would have been pacing too, just waiting. There was nothing worse as a leader than the moment when you had sent everyone else off to do, while you had nothing to do but wait.

But as he touched minds with the wolves and sent images and thoughts, instructions from Sasha, the scent of her determination and the caution… one by one the wolves submitted, leaping to their respective tasks, and Zev's heart raised.

They were going to do this. They were going to make it happen. And Sasha was going to see that she did have a purpose here. That the males would follow.