Creepy-Ass Man

If you like music while you're reading, try "Burn it Down" by Warren Zeiders. It summarizes Sasha's perspective for the next couple chapters pretty perfectly, lol.



Trembling, Sasha sat in the front seat of a Jeep, holding onto the Oh Shit handle above the door as the vehicle rocked and rolled across the cleared land behind the complex, toward a thick forest that stood sentry over the land to the north.

She'd barely spoken to Nick that morning, and beyond making sure that she was okay, he'd stayed quiet too. She was still trying to figure out what to say, whether the events of that morning had actually been real.

She'd woken to a soft knock on the bedroom door, and Nick's voice, apologizing for waking her. He kept saying that the tests had to be done before she'd eaten or had anything to drink.