
~ SASHA ~ 

The more Sasha thought about it, the more sense it made.

How could she have been so completely and utterly ignorant? So naïve? So blind?

She wanted to drop her head into her hands and weep. But instead, she sat there, stiffly, waiting, while the technician walked Nathan, Horace, and Nick through a variety of stats and number that she was using to validate everything she'd just told them.

The words just circled in Sasha's head, because her heart was sinking…

It was why Nathan had been so quick to dangle the chance to return to Thana in front of her. It was why Nick was shuttling her around and showing her so much—because they didn't think she'd ever leave.

All these conversations, all these promises, they were just ploys to keep her distracted and focused on something that wasn't actually going to happen, but would keep her compliant until she couldn't deny it anymore.