Should Have Seen It


She couldn't quite take in the words. Had he just said what she thought he said? She could go back? She could return to Thana? As long as she took some humans and worked on getting pregnant?

Sasha swallowed hard. He'd said something else… something about six months and…

Sasha blinked. "Everyone? You said everyone?"

"Everyone. This is what you call a hail mary pass, Sasha. It's your last shot. It's the last shot for all of us, actually. It looks like your body isn't going to do well separated from your mate, so that means you have to go back. You say that you'd all do better over there. You're saying it will improve your fertility and theirs. Well, here's your chance, Sasha. We'll give you six months to prove yourself correct. God help you if you're wrong."

Sasha looked back and forth between them, gaping. "Just like that?"