Females in Thana

~ ZEV ~

At Yhet's news, Zev had sent Dunken back to the City to notify the guard and any warriors that weren't already patrolling. And to have Oska get the news out to anyone else who might not hear the announcement.

Then, racing to the Village to gather the last of the team who'd planned to go with him across the Gateway, they found Lhars with Kyelle. Zev vaguely registered a strange mix of emotions on them both, but there was no time to analyze it.

Yhet relayed his story to them—he'd been running to the Gateway to join the guard in preparation for Zev's crossing, only to find a group of females, half of them in shock, and more coming through every few minutes. The moment she heard the males had already been notified, Kyelle leapt into her bird and was flying for the Cave.