

As they approached the City, Sasha looked back over her shoulder, biting her lip. 

The females were having very mixed responses. Some pushed forward, eyes bright, but nervous. A couple seemed to nearly vibrate with excitement—or was it fear? There were several with furrowed brows and wide eyes whose expressions made Sasha want to reach out and hug them. But that wouldn't help, she knew. 

The howls rose again but were cut off and shushed as they entered the shadow of the large archway. "Here we go," Sasha breathed to herself, grateful when Mae appeared at her shoulder and reached for her hand, squeezing it once.

There was a low murmur of voices that even Sasha could hear, but she could hear the wind rustling the leaves in the trees overhead, hear the footsteps of the females as they crossed out from under the building and into the main Courtyard that had seemed so beautiful and so alien to Sasha when Zev brought her here.