Quid Pro Quo

If you like music while you read, try "Right Where It Belongs" by Nine Inch Nails (it's not what you think.) It's what I was listening to while writing this chapter and the following three!



When she finally made it to the Village the males that were around all submitted when they saw her. She tried to accept the salutes as if she was due them, but they made her uncomfortable.

She stopped by the medical building first, peering around the door to find Kyelle, puffy-eyed but awake. She gestured for Sasha to stay outside, then slipped out to join her a moment later.

"How are they doing?" she asked the woman.

"They're sleeping," Kyelle whispered. "It was a difficult evening. They feel afraid but can't explain why, so everything is frightening because they do not know the source of their fear. One will be better today, I think. She was calming as the night went on. But the others…"