Get Moving


They continued talking as they walked. It was a longer route to the City, and even though Sasha could feel the weight of responsibility—she should have been with the females by now. They'd be awake and probably scared—she didn't hurry. There was something necessary about being close to Zev and alone, talking at a time they didn't have to worry about being overheard.

"Maybe we need to start doing this every day," she said a few minutes later. "Like, just go for a walk. By ourselves. Because I feel saner now than I have in weeks, Zev."

"It's not a bad idea," he said. "And on a practical level, it will give us time to talk about things that have to be done and make plans. I mean… we're going to do that right? Get everyone out of here. What you're saying is that it worked, right?"

His brows pinched together and that dark cloud passed behind his eyes again, but he pushed past it.