Not Me

~ ZEV ~

Zev reached the cookfires earlier than Sasha and he waited, constantly scanning all the entrances to the clearing, staying on his feet because he had too much energy.

He hadn't seen Sasha for hours, and even though he knew she was safe—he'd been able to smell her track up to the females, and no trail coming down—he wasn't going to rest until she was there in front of him and he could touch her.

Waking up that morning without her, with the faint scent of Nick in his nostrils, had been even more unsettling than he'd realized. He'd been jumpy and short-tempered all day, until even Jhon told him to go get some sleep or something, and get himself under control.

He'd had to shift and go for a run, look for Skhal and deliver Sasha's exciting message, just to get himself moving so his skin would stop itching with tension.