Meeting Monsters


Late that evening, as darkness fell so that only the outlines of the mountains glowed a deep green-blue, but the sky overhead was black pricked with tiny pinpoints of starlight, Zev led Sasha out of the cave and down the trail. 

She couldn't see much in the dark, so by the time they made it to the riverbed they were to follow, he'd put her on his back to make sure she didn't trip or turn her ankle on a rock.

Zev's hands cupping her thighs and her arms wrapped around his collarbones, Sasha's heart pounded in her chest, thumping against his back and he noticed. 

"You really don't need to be scared, Sash. They're glad that you're here. They know I talked about you when I was Alpha, and they've heard what you've done since."

"How would they have heard things out here?"