No More


As Sasha walked away from the creatures toward the line of torches, she silently gave herself all the reasons why there was no reason to be upset: It happened to everyone. Norm had even commented that all species went through this. It was really common.

She wouldn't even have known if these creatures didn't have such a crazy sense of smell.

How could she grieve the loss of something she never knew she had?

But as they stepped outside the ring of torches, Sasha's sight began to blur—not good when it was so dark and she could already barely see anything.

"Sash—" Zev's voice was low and broken. Sasha shook her head and sent him thoughts.

I don't want to talk about this where anyone else can hear it, at all. Ever. If you ever talk to me about this, Zev, for the rest of our lives, you do it this way. This doesn't involve anyone else. Just us.

Okay, Zev replied.