

The run to the city seemed to take forever. Traveling on Zev was always so much faster than when she had to walk. Yet this time it seemed like pouring honey, every step in slow-motion. Probably because her heart was pounding and her mind spinning a mile a minute. It felt like they were running to catch a something falling—and they couldn't know if they'd make it, or be destroyed.

What was Nick bringing them? News that would help them? Or a plot to betray them? She couldn't know.

Her head buzzed with questions and fears, and her body was so tense it hurt. She kept forcing the muscles in her back and neck to relax. Or trying to, anyway. But as soon as she stopped thinking about them they would tense again.

Are you okay? Zev asked in her head.

Just tense. Do you trust Nick? I mean, could this all be a setup? Or do you think he's running ahead of the team to warn us?