The Wolf


Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god, ohmygodohmygodohmygod…

Click, click, click, it all fell into place.

Zev's self-loathing.

That cold brutality he'd displayed with Nick.

The Wolf. The serial killer they'd been hearing about for two years that Police claimed set dogs onto his victims, yet no one ever heard or saw anything.

Zev was a killer?

Zev shuddered and his hands clamped on hers painfully. She realized he was afraid of how she was going to react.

"Oh, Zev," she breathed, her heartbroken and mind reeling.

And hate for these men and what they'd done to him, all the ways they'd used him... it burned in her chest like embers under a fire. Tears pressed out from under her lashes and she caught her breath. She couldn't be weak right now. He needed her.

Holy shit.

"I didn't see it, Sash. I didn't see any of it. They blinded me and I didn't see it, I'm so sorry—"