
~ ZEV ~

Sasha gasped and Zev tightened his arm around her when she immediately began to take a step forward. Then he hissed and yanked her back.

"What? Zev?! Don't you see—I wanted to go back, to change it all and it's giving us a chance to do that—"

"Wait, Sash. Just wait. You don't know what that means. The Gateway is dangerous. They trained us in this. We have to be really careful."

"But, Zev, we could stop this whole thing!" she said, turning to him excitedly. "Can't you see—"

"No, Sash, you were too vague. We have no idea what we'd be walking into—just because things would be different, doesn't mean they'd be better. We can't… please, we can't risk it."


"You said to a time when you could change everything—but that would still be a time we've already lived. It doesn't mean you could change anything. We could just end up stuck, reliving this hell—"
