Love You Here


Sasha woke to a scuffing footstep on the cave floor. Blinking, at first all she could see was the embers of the fire—low and barely flaming now, though the coals were red-hot and glowing. The rest of the cave looked black behind that. 

The shadow of Zev standing in the middle of the cave startled her at first—the moonlight just bright enough outside the mouth of the cave to cast him in silhouette behind the fire. 

"You scared me," she breathed, pushing up to sit. The furs fell to her waist, but she was warm and didn't care.

Zev barely moved. 

Sasha blinked and looked up at him, rubbing her eyes. "Are you okay? Was there a problem?"

He shook his head and her heart sank. 

Zev, what is it? she asked in his head. I want to help you. Please, let me in.