New Day

~ ZEV ~

Zev stood over the corpse he'd dragged into the forest, as far from the cave as he safely could. He'd allowed it to bleed out in a creek close to the cave, then dragged it through the water as far up the creek as he could until he reached the place where it poured off a small cliff. Then he dragged it into the trees so there would be no blood trail.

He was going to have to go back now and try to find a way to clear off the blood from the trail between the cave and the water.

As he caught himself analyzing all the ways he could hide his trail and any evidence of the human, he froze.

His heart was thudding hard and his adrenalin was still pumping. But he was standing over a bloodied body—a dead human being—and his hands barely shook. How was it possible that he was more concerned with the trail this guy's blood left to the cave where Sasha was than the fact that he'd just ended a life.

It was so wrong. So sick.