
If you like music while you read, try "Right Where it Belongs" by Nine Inch Nails (trust me). It's what I listened to while writing!



In the end they waited almost eleven weeks from when their baby was stolen. While the Gateway seemed to be less guarded, Zev didn't want to risk trying to go through, only to find that their baby still hadn't been delivered, so they would have to step back into Thana without know who was there.

"But we can't leave him with them, Zev! Not even for a few days!" Sasha had cried.

"We won't, babe. We'll make it take us back to the first day after he's delivered that we can get in there."

That had soothed her somewhat, but the sudden shift of her expectations had been hard to swallow. When they'd made the decision, it was only three days away from ten weeks. To have to wait another ten days had almost killed her.