Author Q & A - Part 2


What happened to the females who didn't make it through the gateway with Sasha?

There were five or six of them, and they were all taken to places of safety. (Not the same safe place as the rest, but each of them was distracted from their purpose by a true yearning for a different kind of life, and so the gateway took each of them to a place that would fulfill their personal desires.) The only reason Patty ended up in a bad place was because Nick had coached her to manipulate her. He didn't try to send her to the place she went, he was just trying to put her off-track.

Where did Patty go after she told Sasha about her baby?

Patty was held by the Chimera until the order came down that they were all leaving. A couple guards took her to the Gateway and released her into it (before the Chimera went through.) They didn't tell her where to go, they just made sure she left.