Deal with Sayaka Katahara

Since ancient times, scums have existed. There are all kinds of scum. From bank robbers to scammers to playboys.

I don't fall in any category because I am a good man.

Today we are going to discuss about fathers. Yes. Fathers, the one who earns for the family most times or is the leader of it.

Then there are the fathers who pick up married women. Those types of fathers are called House Husbands or popularly known as men with a child as a wingman.


And I am apparently one of those types of fathers. Of course, don't compare me to those nincompoops who don't take care of the child properly.

I take care of my child properly.

"Hilda, take care of Lil Zoro, I am gonna get some milk for him."

See. Have you ever seen a father better than me? Probably not.

Kids need milk and I, who loves my child to death... shall go and bring milk.

As I walked towards the supply area in search of milk, I went into contemplation.

After adopting Lil Zoro, the red mark that Tatsumi Oga used to have got transferred to me. I am guessing that this is the bond between the green-haired child and me.

With the mark, I will get demonic powers and maybe even attributes of it. Thats a win for me since I am a noble, I don't mind getting demonic powers too.

Now I feel good for not choosing the demon race. I am not going to lie, I was very tempted to choose demon back when I was filling the survey.

While on my way to buy milk I bumped into someone I didn't expect to bump. In front of me was the pretty host of the tournament, Sayaka Katahara.

She had smooth tan skin and beautiful platinum hair, darker than the silver in my hair.

She frowned when she looked at me.

"You still haven't gone to the arena?"

I too frowned.

"Arena? Which arena? I just want to buy my baby's milk."



"The second round has already begun. If you don't want to be disqualified, I recommend you hurry fast. Your match will begin after some matches are done."

Breh. Why the f*ck did I not know about this?

"Who is my opponent?"

Sayaka looked at me and spoke.

"Your opponent is Mamoru Takamaru."

Oh, it's the ant. I wonder if he got a breakthrough or will get one in the match. Usually, protagonists and semi protagonists get a breakthrough during the fight with their worst enemy... a.k.a. me.

I nodded to her.

"I don't know the way to the arena... will you help me?"

She smiled warmly.

"Sure. I was on my way too. Let's go together."

I wasn't surprised by Sayaka's answer. She has always been broad-minded and easy to get along with. Types like her are hard to seduce since they quite rarely have any insecurities I can target.

Sayaka is one tricky woman. She is friends with many people and I doubt she needs more when she has a brother.

However, I do remember her saying in the manga that she doesn't have a boyfriend to spend Christmas with... hence she spent it with her brother.

She doesn't care about her body being shown to others since she has an exhibitionist kink. She is pretty used to blood and fights since birth due to her family.

Aside from that, she is easy to get along with. My remaining option is to become friends with her and slowly trick her into relying on me rather than her brother and show her a new fetish.

It is possible to change her fetish from exhibition to masochism. I am sure I can change it. However, I need to do it slowly and steadily.

A tricky woman like her can't be solved in a single encounter. In the end, she will be mine nevertheless.

The good thing is that I have [Super Control] later I can sort my past memories and see them in greater detail.

That way, every woman from every show, anime, novel I have read.... will easily be honey-trapped.

Sayaka Katahara. An exhibitionist. There was once a bath scene of her in the manga where she didn't mind showing her body to either gender and she is friendly to the point of one would cry.

I am not sure if this will work but...

"Sayaka-chan... can I call you that?"

She looked a bit surprised but nodded with a smile.

"Sure. Then I will call you Miki-san."

I gave her a happy nod and then changed my expression into a pondering one.

"I have a question I was wondering if you can answer."

She beamed and said in a jolly way.

"Sure ask away!"

I pretended to speak in a hesitant manner.

"Ummmm... I was wondering if you would like to bathe with me after this tournament is over."



"Sure. I don't mind.... can I call some friends of mine too?"


"Sure I don't mind. You can call as many as you want upon the condition that they are all females."

She frowned and pondered a bit before nodding.

"Then I have a condition for you too."

I hesitantly nodded. If the condition is bad I won't accept and will have to resort to some other tricks.

"Let's hear it."

"You must be the winner of this evening."

Eazy Peazy Women Squeazy.

I have worked hard for 17 years since birth. My uncle is the King Maker and my grandpa is White Fang.

My race is a cheat itself and my [Super Contol] which is my biggest trump card. Now I even have demon power due to Baby Beel.

If I can't win the regional round of this tournament, then I don't deserve to pick up women and humiliate protagonists.

Without power, I don't deserve any of the vices. Especially women since they can be taken if one doesn't have power.

In this or any other world. As long as you have power, you can do anything.

I frowned as I looked at her. This lady is underestimating me.

"Thats it?"

She nodded and smiled.

"That's it."

I smiled back at her and shook hands with her. She looked surprised and smiled too.

"Then we have a deal."

Seeing that the arena was in my view, I knew this was the time to make my exit.

"See you later Sayaka-Chan. Can't wait for the bath."

She smiled and waved at me as I distanced myself from her.

"SAME!!!! GOOD LUCK ALL THE BEST!!! Miki-chann!"



Seems my '-san' got upgraded to '-chan'. Progress I feel.

Wait... why do I feel that I am forgetting something.

Something related to cows... often mistaken as their urine...

Oh well.

Whatever will be will be.