
I was in an empty training spot in the mountain where I lived. It looked a bit similar to the one that is seen in xianxia shows.

When I was a kid I saw a Chinese movie called 'The 36th Chamber of Shaolin'. I was getting hardcore vibes of that movie and Bruce Lee too in general.

Dressed in my karate robes with a black belt across my waist, I shut off my eyes and started to observe my surrounding with my senses.


The wind brushed against the cherry blossom leaves and melted snow dripped from the branches of the tree.


I could feel the sultry breeze touch my skin as if they were little needles floating in the air looking to murder some wanker.

Suddenly a warm energy engulfed me. It was a weird feeling not something I would feel when using my blood abilities or when using the battle aura from my water stream rock smashing fist.

I felt as if I had a fifth arm. My fourth arm being blood and the third.... I don't have to say it.

It was then that I used my Super Control skill and started to guide that energy all around my body. My skill used the most minimal amount of that warm energy and used it to its fullest potential, infinite and never-ending.

I made a series of movements. My arms swayed and made a yin-yang figure in the air, a blackish-purple aura came out from my arms.

I could briefly see a lady in the distance. She spoke something but I could not really hear... all I could do was read her lips.

{This power.... has been entrusted to the next generation by many people... praying that it would work for the good of all...


All their hopes will become One...

It is your turn now.}

I looked at the blur lady in front who was giving me a thumbs up and shook my head with dismay.

Feeling the energy I swiftly pushed it forward as I slowly opened my eyes.

It was then that all the breeze came at a stop as if it was a lull.

For a few seconds, nothing happened.

But then-


All the air in the area started to get sucked, I could feel the air pressure trying to suck me too, even the wind wants to suck me...

I tried to breathe but no air came into my body. Normally I would have choked but I am not a cannon fodder species called Human.

Looking straight ahead as my karate clothes ripped off from my body revealing my shiny doing, I squinted my eyes and then moaned in pleasure.

This feeling.... it is too good.

Cold air massaging my penis and balls. Ahhhh~~!!!

After going home I will personally use a hairdryer to give my pp a massage.


I looked straight ahead with a serious face.


ONE FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My lips curled up. I whispered while looking at the beautiful scenery. A perfect example of Devastation in its fullest wake.







The moment One For All came into my hands, the hopes of every user who died for this quirk was destined to get.... fucked.

Maybe the only reason they were even alive was to deliver this quirk in my hands.

One For All belongs to me.

I will decide what I want to do with it and no one can stop me. Especially not the dead One For All wankers for sure.

I am its master, it's god, it's everything.

If I want to use it for sex then I can use it..... no can stop me NO ONE.... maybe.... nevermind.

"I will call this move... Windmill."


With my hands in my pocket I turned around and what followed behind me was a huge tornado easily capable of destroying cities.









After saying a few more edgy lines I snapped my fingers and the tornado disappeared. The tornado had already destroyed the mountain where I was residing while I spew my dialogues.

I am not worried about anyone in my family dying since they are all strong beings and I am sure my grandpa must have saved the instrong beings residing too.

After all, he is a hero.

Tilting my head, I rose my eyebrows and could not help but be impressed. I am quite amazing. A huge crater had formed and in the middle of standing was, I.

Dust and ruin flew in the air and a few flames could be seen burning on the ground as if a meteor had hit.

However, it was the friction of the wind that caused those flames despite the heavy vacuum.

I could not believe that I did all this damage at 1%. No arms were hurt or anything too. Super Control was the best decision I ever made along with my species race.

If I wanted maybe I could even destroy this world at will. It is just a possibility, One For All has its limits too after all.... or does it? I don't really know that.

Even if it does, I am still at the tip of true power. There are still many beings more powerful than me... almost easily.

Medaka... if she exists... then even 'She' should exist.

This world's difficulty level is just too much.

A smile emerged on my face as I felt my own blood boil.

I can not wait to see what more surprises this world has to offer.

Btw... I just noticed but the moon... in the sky.... is completely... destroyed... wait wtf!!!!

It's rebuilding now.