Loose ends


"Mhmm. Delicious." I smiled as I elegantly drank the black coffee that was in the cup. From the inside, I was dying.

I seriously can not understand how people drink black coffee, it's so bitter. However, I have to endure... I love acting cool and pretentious.

"Miki-san do you want to order anything else?" The cute girl with blue hair asked me. Her breasts had already started to become voluptuous compared to the last time I saw her. Maybe Puberty.

In Animes, puberty hits harder than a mare's ass when she does it with the big black or white or brown... horse cock. Yes, we ain't racist now. Don't want any insecure ninnychuffers to cancel me.

"Yes, my dear Touka." I took a sip of my black coffee as I spoke, leaning back on the chair as I gazed into her beautiful bluish-violet eyes.

My hand swiftly held hers that was almost touching the table and I spoke.

"If you don't mind..."

Slowly getting up from my seat an aura of charisma presided across the entire coffee shop, Anteiku.

Now, straight eye to eye with the girl, I brushed her hair, and similar to a creep I smelled them but since I am handsome no one would object to me.

"I want to order you."

Her hair instantly flew back as if suddenly a fast breeze had ruffled it. Her eyes grew large, her lips parted a bit and her mouth was open as if shocked.

Slowly a blush spread over her face, taking advantage of the situation, I took a step ahead and kissed her forehead.

Taking a few bills from my wallet, I neared her again and pulled her t-shirt slightly, and put the notes right in between her breasts.

Winking at the shocked girl and the even more shocked audience including Rize, I turned away showing my broad-shouldered back that seemed infinitely comfortable.

A small smile covered my face as I pushed open the door to the coffee house to get out of it.

Man... I don't think someone cooler than me has ever existed. Except for Oink, of course.

*Tring!* *Tring!*


Raising my eyebrows slightly, I looked at my cellphone. A bit confused since I did not even know I had one lmao.


"Hello, would you like to buy-"

"Yeah! Sure sure I would love to. Give me your phone number so I can call you back later."

"Sir... unfortunately that is not allowed."

"Not allowed? Or you just don't want someone calling your personal number?"


"Well, you know now, how it feels."

Instantly I cut the call.

*Tring!* *Tring!*




I frowned slightly. This was not the same guy. Instead, it was a very familiar voice.

"May I know who I am speaking with?"

"Awww you forgot about me already Miki? It's me!!"

Judging from her voice and behavior and after immense rocket scientific calculations, this can only be one person.

"Ah, Sayaka! What's up?"

"Miki-san did you forget? We had a deal."

Oh...oh..ohhhhj yeah!!!

"I won, didn't I? So when are we going to the hot springs?"

"Does this evening work? I will be going there with a few friends of mine."

Hmmm. Of course, it works since I am not busy, I have no job.... no studies.... nothing to do except fucking Yumeko or playing cards with my lackeys.

"I am not sure. I had a few plans today..."

"Ehhhhhhhhh! Miki-san can't you postpone them for today please??"

"That... Sayaka... might be a little hard since it is important but... I guess I can for today but you will owe me a favor okay Sayaka-chan?"

Lolz, I am so smart.

"Eh.... okay okay... Miki-san. Please do come. I will send someone to pick you up."

"Okay, Sayaka see you in the evening."

"Bye Miki."

"Bye Saya."

Keeping the phone in my back pocket, I continued to walk in the same direction as I was. A bulge could easily be seen through my pants as I walked, a sigh escaped from my mouth as I noticed it.

Lowering my pants in the middle of the street not caring about anyone else. I gazed at my beautiful cock which had become hard due to imagining the hot springs.

Should I wank?


No...no... forget it. I am not a wanker. Well... I may have been but no longer am I one anymore.

Another sigh escaped my mouth as I touched my cock.

"What should I do with you...."

I have heard that urinating helps in making the dick soft. I guess I can try that.

Looking around the street I noticed that there were very few people. Most of them were running away.... probably thinking that I am a weirdo while some of the females gawked at my fat cock and maybe a few called the police. Meh.... who cares.

I could probably get a header from a gawking female but I have no interest in inferior women who are easily charmed. That's so boring.

Walking up to a lamp post I started to pee. If dogs are allowed.... then why not humans and other species eh?


Clearwater fell on the pole like a waterfall. Such a magical sight it was.


*Tap.* *Tap.*

"Let me pee in peace."


*Tap.* *Tap.*

"Wait! Let me pee!!"


*Tap.* *Tap.*

"Yes... I am almost done..."


*Tap.* *Tap.*

"Shhhhh what a drag... I am done."

Zipping my pants up, I quickly used one for all on my mouth and blew a wind on my palms. With that, all the bacteria on it died and my hands were washed clean.

Turning around, I was in for a surprise.

"Nava Etrama Di Miki.... you are under arrest.... for p-peeing."