
Now then

Inside a massive building, lines of people were getting escorted deeper inside an unknown facility. Soldiers armed with futuristic weapons and equipment stood every five meters with automatic turrets placed on the walls.

The people didn't want to be there, but they had no choice. If they made one wrong move, they would be put down by their very own government.

A young girl walked with her parents, who had traces of worry and fear in their eyes. They tried to keep their act up, but they both knew where their situation would land them.

The young girl looked no older than ten and had brown hair and green eyes. She looked way too calm, considering the situation.

In reality, she was freaking out a lot because she was lying in bed after a long day at work before waking up in a new body—one under half her age at that.

They continued to move down the wide hallway among the current discord, and the girl who was holding her mother's hand could see she wasn't in a good situation. She was unsure if it would be an execution or something else that was sinister.

The people around her all looked poor, but she could see some of them had shabby robotic limbs and other weird features.

They didn't look fancy, but the technology still impressed her because in her world, If you lost a limb, you wouldn't be getting a replacement in any form. In her previous life, she was a mercenary born in a war-torn country and never saw peace as she was stuck constantly fighting battles for a cause she didn't even care about to get by.

It wasn't a great life by any means, but she had no choice. That world was a chaotic mess. She still wasn't sure how she got into her current predicament. Still being unsure if she was assassinated or just passed away in her sleep.

Putting those thoughts to the back of her mind, she glanced back to her 'parents.' She had never had any that she knew of in her past life. She had gotten the memories of the previous body's owner, but there wasn't much use to it as they couldn't afford to get an education for her. She found out that her name was Acrona Adams, who lived in the slums of the city. The city was called Faraera and other than that she didn't know too much.

Acrona's parents were both busy working to put food on the table, and although they clearly loved her, they couldn't prevent her from passing away from an unknown illness.

Acrona had gotten a whole three hours to get her shit together before armed men showed up at their door, which led to their current situation.

She squeezed her mother's hand before speaking calmly.

"It will be okay, mom,"

It was a bunch of bullshit, but at least she tried. Hearing what her daughter had said, she tried her best to smile while almost letting a tear slip.

"Yes, It will, sweety; I won't let anything happen to you."

Acrona kept her facade going up as she genuinely wanted the best for these people. It was rather tricky because she knew her 'parents' couldn't do shit to protect her in the first place.

If they really could rebel against an army of soldiers, she would worship them to the level of reverence. Well, not really she just had more respect for people who paved their own way in life without letting others step on them.

Then again, their current situation was something she couldn't escape from even in her previous life. Once you're in this deep, it can be rather challenging to pull yourself out. Acrona would have never let them take her to a place like this in the first place.

She couldn't blame them, though, as they were just ordinary civilians. People who couldn't defend themselves against unarmed combatants, let alone people armed with advanced weaponry.

They finally arrived in a large room crowded with people that kept filling up for another fifteen minutes before the door closed with a loud bang.

Turrets were lining the place's walls, and Acrona was sure if some random people acted up, they would meet a quick demise.

At the front of the room, there was a stage with a double door behind it which soon flew open. The room was quiet as an overly fat man in a suit that looked like it would tear any second walked in, and although Acrona couldn't see a mic anywhere when he talked, his voice got amplified anyways.

"Thank you for coming today. I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience, but it's a matter that we can't delay any longer."

He paused for a moment and had a massive grin on his face. His hideous appearance caused a lot of people to look away from him. Some people even considered letting the turrets end them.

Acrona had nothing against fat people, but the man looked like he could crush the stage. She hadn't seen anyone as large as this man in her life, but that wasn't saying much considering where she lived.

"Your block has been deemed a waste to various corporations, and they decided to tear it down. You understand, right? Why would we keep you all-around when you're contributing nothing to society. I'm not even sure what they're planning, but undoubtedly it's better than you lot living there? Am I right?"

The crowd was shocked, and although many of them expected it, they didn't think they would word it so cruelly. It wasn't like they were worthless; many of them had regular jobs and contributed to society, but there were a lot of criminals as well.


A man attempted to yell out before a turret gunned him down on the spot. The crowd wanted to gasp but held their hands over their mouths to make no noise. The first person who even spoke was killed right in front of them.

"Now then."