Job Search

Note - This novel has been paused currently. Will resume after completing "Married to a dark CEO", which will probably be about 200 chapters.

LOVE, why does it have many definitions and meanings? TRUE LOVE, Does it mean there is false love too? DESTINY, why do we have to search for love if we were destined to someone already?

Being a girl in her early twenties, Nina always had various questions about love. To find her destiny and true love became one of her goals.

Yes, Goal!!

Living with a person whom you love and who loves you increases the quality of life. Of course, that is what she has understood from movies, novels and the person around her. Is love alone sufficient to live?

"No!" was the answer that made her realize that she must work.

Although she graduated six months ago in computer science, She couldn't start working, as the question, "Is this what you want?" was left unanswered.

Being talented in various domains was a problem. She can pencil sketch, code programs and write beautiful stories. Apart from these, she loves travelling, making coffee and doing water sports. Choosing from these was a huge issue.

The concept of love, true love and destiny is present here too. We love doing numerous things, but what is it we honestly love doing, and what are we destined to become.

Since her dad had a decent job, finance was never an issue, but the confusion in work and love was eating her from inside from graduation. Her friends suggested - 'travelling', but the idea of taking money from her father didn't please her. Again she was thrown into the thought that she should work.

Rolling on the bed filled with innumerable questions and solutions, 'Working as a tourist guide' was the only best solution from the countless ideas that occurred.

Holding the thought in mind and visualizing herself on a beach on a full moon day, she slipped into sleep.

Waking at 11 am, she walked towards the kitchen with sleepy eyes. Her mother was cooking Nina's favourite prawns. The lingering smell was appetizing that made her little stomach growl.

Putting on a cunning smile on her face, she slowly cat-walked towards her mom, planning to pounce on her.

But to her disadvantage, her mom noticed her through the invisible eyes on the back of her head. "Don't even think of that?" her mom uttered.

"Ah!!! She knows me in and out." Nina told herself. "Okay!!" she replied with a frown.

Wearing a bright smile on her face, her mom turned over and widened her eyes and immediately asked, "When did you sleep?"

"Is that evident?" Nina asked, blinking her burning eyes.

"Look at the dark circles," her mom said, caressing her finger under Nina's eyes.

"Were you thinking again?"

Nina nodded, staring at the floor.

"Follow your heart. Do what makes you happy." She advised, patting her lovely daughter's shoulder.

Nina satirically thought to herself that it would be nice if her heart had that clarity. Smiling a little to her lame joke and life, She headed back to her room and looked up for any job offering in the tourism sector. She religiously noted down the company name, contact number, the package offered, and the distance from her home from the computer's screen. The farther one was 30km away.

"Now, RESUME!!" she shouted, stretching her arms in the air and rotated in the chair. That was the fourth time that she wanted to change her resume in those six years but never stuck with that idea. Double-clicking on the file - 'nina_resume.pdf', she edited the introduction, leaving the others as it is.

As she was about to call the first company on the list, her mother interrupted, "Did you brush? If not, fresh up and come for lunch."

Nina's eyes turned to the right bottom corner on the screen to take a look at the time, which displays '12:35 pm'. She shut down the system, planning to sit down again after having her prawns. The thought of prawns itself made her lick her lips. She walked towards the bathroom, hopping and moving her hands to and fro.

Holding her lilac coloured brush with a blue paste on it, she looked in the mirror. "Eh!! I should wash my hair tonight," she told herself, watching her black mid-length greasy hair.

As she finished, brushing and washing her face, she opened the bathroom to see her mom, near the door glaring at the whole room. Not understanding what she was keenly observing, Nina looked in the line of sight of her mom.

Her beautifully designed violet room seemed to look like a children's playroom. The cupboard door was wide open with her dresses hanging on the edges of the tracks. The bed was a mess with the sheet ruffled and the blanket heaped in a corner. The pillows weren't on the bed too, they were lying on the ground beside the bed. The computer table was like a mini kitchen- empty plates, half-filled glasses, opened chip packets and chocolate wafers.

Her mother sighed loudly and turned her eyes away from the annoying visual. "When do you plan on cleaning the room?"

Nina slowly paced towards her room and swung her mom's arm, looking cutely with her black doe-shaped eyes. "Okay!! Okay!! Enough of coaxing me. Go and have your lunch. I will clean this mess."

"My Sweet Mom!!" Nina exclaimed as she pinched her mom's cheek.

After a savourous thirty minutes for Nina, she entered her room to witness the magic her mother's hands made. However, the magician looked worn out after turning the pigsty into a princess room.

Nina sat beside her tired mom and asked if she had eaten. Her mom shook her head weakly.

"Shall I feed you?"

"No need, child. I will eat after resting for a while." Uttering that, she left the room.

"I shouldn't have asked her to do," Nina cursed herself. Taking the list of companies, she sat on the computer chair.

"Hi! This is Nina. I have seen job openings for the 'Tourist Guide' post in your company. Are you still looking?"

"Yes, We are. May I know your experience in this sector."

"I have recently graduated."

"Sorry, Mam! We are recruiting only experienced candidates."

"Not a problem."

As she cut the phone, she stroke out the first one and dialed the second number.