
The rest of the day passed like a flash filled with smiles and laughs. The dining table would always be silent, but since the moment Nina stepped her foot into the house, there was never a day that a meal passed without excitement.

Observing the happiness on the table, 'This is why I wanted a girl child. Everything about a girl is cute and fun. A girl's sulk, smile, pout, anger and even cry are so adorable and worth watching. Why Moon Goddess? Why did you give me two children with moustaches?'

Noticing Jennie sad and long face, Nina calmly asked her, placing her hand on Jennie's "Aunty!! What happened?"

Putting on a puppy face, "Will your mother exchange you with one of my sons? If she wants, I will send two of them." Jennie exclaimed abruptly, which made everyone's mouth wide open in shock.

Ace smiled, nodding his head and continued eating his dinner, but Tala seemed to be upset with his mother's statement. "Are you planning to get rid of me, Mom?" His eyes turned slightly moist, and his bottom lip pouted outwards.

Not noticing him, Jennie continued staring and smiling at Nina, "Yes! See how the house is filled with joy since Nina came."

"Maa!!" Tala shouted, snapping her from the love beams that her eyes were throwing on Nina.

"I am just kidding, son!" Jennie lied eloquently, which made him smile. As soon as he smiled, Ace coughed and chuckled wantedly, making Tala scowl at him.

Ace reminded Nina that he would wake her up in the morning and they should leave as early as possible. She nodded and hit the bed. Though having feelings for Ace, she was delighted that he didn't hate her and was not in a relationship with Czar. Why he lied to her was still a suspense for her. Thinking about the possibilities, she slipped into sleep.

The last five years habit of imagining the beach and moon vanished the moment she stepped into Chandragram. Was it because she visited the beach, or would it be because of her love for Ace?

[Thrusday, Morning 5 A.M]

Ace knocked on the door slowly, not making much sound. Even after hitting five times, there wasn't any response. 'Didn't I tell her that we would start early in the morning?' Deciding to hit the door hard, he slammed the door with the whole palm, instead of fingers, which weren't effective on her.

After hitting the door twice, Nina opened the door with closed eyes and lethargically walked back to the bed. Ace blinked his eyes, not following what was going on. He also didn't understand whether he should wake her up again or not.

Walking into the room silently, he gently called her, "!!" Observing no moment, he increased the voice, "Nina!!"

"Five minutes, dad!"

"Dad? Me?" He whispered to himself, pointing his right index finger towards his face. "Wake up!" was all he could say, thinking that she would wake up at least by the fear of her father.

"Dad, Wake me at 11:30 sharp, not even a second early. I will eat lunch plus breakfast as soon as I wake up."

"What? 11:30?" he uttered a little loud surprised.

Disturbed by the sound, "Mmmmm.....Shhhhhhhhh!!" Nina sat on the bed swinging side to side with closed eyes. "Papa! What's the time? I have to go...." drowsily saying, she opened her eyes wide open with realization. "Shit!!!"

Adjusting her hair and dress, she got down from the bed and stood in front of Ace, still swaying slightly. She was blinking her eyes slowly and yawning, still adjusting to the unfamiliar wake-up situation.

Sighing, "What happened?" she inquired, rubbing her eyes.

"Will start in an hour! Get Ready!"

Nodding her hear, she showed an 'OK' symbol with her fingers. "What's the time?" she asked in a heavy voice, continuing stroking her eyes, which were a little swollen because of crying on the previous day.


"Are you mad?" she yelled unknowingly, however she was angry too. "Sorry! But, do with have to start this early?" she inquired with annoyance.

"It takes 8-9 hours, so if we start at 6, we will reach by 2. After that, we can complete our discussion with my uncle and your boss and rest for some time."

Ignoring all the calculations and hearing only the 'rest' word. "I don't want rest! So, let's start at 9, and let me sleep now." As soon as she blabbered that, she hopped onto the bed, pulled the blanket and laid.

"But, if we start at 9, we will reach by 6. Won't it get dark?" Ace asked, calculating the time.

"It isn't Chandragram! The city has lights!" she answered, trying to sleep.

The reply and her lazy attitude made Ace frustrated and distressed. "Though my village isn't developed, it has isn't own greatness for flora and fauna. The people here aren't pretentious like the people there. Moreover, I stay in the city too. I meant to tell you that the offices won't be open at that time. If you discuss with James tomorrow and start at noon, you will reach here by midnight with the strong cold breeze."

Listening from one ear and leaving it from the other, she sat releasing that Ace won't stop the drama, "Fine!! You won't comprise, right? Sharp 6, I will be at your damn black car." she replied, grinding her teeth and louring at him.

"Ok! Done!" he exclaimed unbothered and went out of the room.

Taking the towel and the white shirt, which she found on the top, she went to the bathroom, stamping the ground hard on the way for Ace to hear.

Completing brushing and bathing in twenty-five minutes with blurry eyes and a sleepyhead, she glanced at her clothes and groaned, noticing that she forgot the bottom.

'He won't be in the hall or dining room this early. I can escape! I will wrap the towel, just in case.'

Calming herself, she walked fast towards her room, holding the towel, without moving her gaze here and there.

"I thought you slept in the bathroom!"

On hearing Ace's voice suddenly, she released her grip on the towel, making it fall down. Ace's jaw dropped watching her in that outfit, and he instantly put his palm over his mouth. The shirt was till her waist, and the rest from her inner thighs to the toe became naked the moment her towel dropped. Thanks to her habit of putting inners along with the top that she didn't expose completely.

Nina noticing his eyes popped out and eyebrows raised high, looked herself down. "Ah!!!!" She closed her eyes with both hands.

Ace was staring at every inch down from her purple underwear. Her fair, slight muscular thighs and trembling twig-like calves were feasting his eyes that were already swimming in Nina's beauty.

The sexy visual that he was watching started becoming unclear as his eyes teared due to prolonged staring. Snapping out and looking through his blurry eyes, "I think you should do something else instead of closing your eyes and shivering."

Her already racing heart turned loudly, hearing Ace's comment. The brain that was dozing and timid until then turned vigilant, making her run with the speed of light towards her room.