My Girl!

Nina sat alone in the car, glancing in different directions. She didn't understand why he suddenly acted that way.

Rubbing her hair with the towel, she recalled every scene that happened inside the car after she got wet, but none could justify Ace's reaction.

The door to the driver seat opened, and Ace's sat with a straight face. Nina looked at him if he would ask her to the front seat, but he didn't. The corners of her mouth turned downwards, and her eyes narrowed with disappointment as Ace was not uttering a word and appeared disturbed too for some unknown reason.

Nina herself got down and sat beside him silently. The moment she sat, he started the engine and drove off.

"Did I do something wrong?"

There was no response or even a reaction from him.

An hour passed with awkward silence, and the sun rays started hitting the car, warming up the cold scenario. She looked at Ace, who was still sitting wordlessly and expressionlessly.

Due to quiet surroundings, Nina dozed off, leaning her head on the window. The moment she slept, Ace sighed, and his eyes profusely teared. Stopping the car under a tree, he gazed at Nina and cried for his helplessness. Though both of them like each other, the Moon Goddess has placed them in a position that they can't be together. The scent from Nina was like a reminder or warning from Moon Goddess that she was born to become an Alpha wife and a normal werewolf like him should maintain an honourable distance.

Realizing that all his questions could be answered and solved by James, he rubbed his eyes and wiped the tears on his cheeks. Starting the engine, he drove fast and careful at the same time, not to apply any speed break as Nina was sleeping.

After four hours, Nina started rumbling and moving, clenching her stomach. "Hungry!" she whispered in her sleep restlessly. It was then, Ace realized that it was 1 pm already, and Nina didn't have anything except milk from the morning. He drove slowly, looking around for some restaurant, and pulled over a small eatery, which appeared old but pretty decent.

"Nina! Nina!" he faintly spoke, patting on her hand.

"Hmm....mmmm" she closed her eyes tightly and gulped hard, pressing her tummy.

"We are a small restaurant. Shall we eat something and continue?"

"Sure!" she replied instantly, opening her eyes wide. But her anxiety and excitement disappeared when she glanced at her dress. "I can't come out in this outfit....Ahhh!! Why don't you ask them to pack the food, we can have it here?"

Ace took a look at her and secretly blushed to see her in his shirt. Though she has been wearing his loose and long shirt, he didn't notice it as he was involved in numerous thoughts and mixed feelings towards her. "Ok!" he nodded and got down.

Nina searched in the car for a water bottle. Drinking it, she searched for her phone for the time but later groaned, recalling that it was dead after having a bath in the pool.

Yawning and glimpsing around, she thought that it would be at least 12 as the sun was glaring from the top. "Shouldn't I enjoy the time with Ace? Why am I sleeping like this?" Nina scolded herself, slapping her cheek.

"Fried rice?" Ace opened the door and inquired while she was busy cursing and hitting herself. "Okay!" Nina faintly said, scratching her head and blinking her eyes.

Looking at Nina with a weird expression, Ace closed the door and went back to the restaurant.

"Ah!! Nina! Ah!!! Can't you at least stay a day without humiliating yourself?"

After a few minutes, Ace came back with two boxes. He gave one to Nina and ate the other himself. As they completed eating without uttering a word, Ace turned on the engine. Though she didn't understand the reason for his sudden change of behaviour, she assumed the reason to be something related to James. Nina also didn't want to request or please him to talk as she was tired of doing that from the moment she woke up. So, all she could do was wait for James to clarify the whole confusion.

"Is it fine for you to purchase me a t-shirt? I can't go to the office in this outfit." Nina asked without any hope that he would agree or understand the things that were surrounding her brain. But to her surprise, Ace nodded his head. Even a nod of her at the point of time was like an achievement for Nina.

'How could a person who met only a week ago change my life into a roller coaster ride? It seemed like I was convinced and pushed into the world of secrets and mysteries - his office, the village he sent her to and even the person, who I fell in love.' Thinking of all the things that happened to her, it suddenly appeared as if perfectly planned and executed by James.

Nina frowned and turned depressed, but glancing at Ace made her feel like she had a person beside her to support, even if the whole world wanted to hurt her.

'But can he be trusted? He didn't even follow his heart and love me because of the villagers. Does he really love me? Is he a pawn planted by James? Am I being played by all these people?'

The thought of Ace pretending to love her filled her eyes with tears. Holding them from crawling onto her cheeks, she gulped and uttered, "Can I lay down, my back is aching?"

Noticing a shiver and weird emotion in Nina's voice, "Nina, are you fine?" he asked affectionately. Hearing his voice after a long time made the tears she restained flow out. Ace took her face in his palm and lifted her head to see the eyes red, wet and swollen. "What happened, Nina?"

Nina moved her face back and asked him to stop the car. Doing as she asked, he stopped the car to the left. Nina immediately got down, forgetting her dress. To her bad luck, a group of boys were standing and smoking in front of her.

One of the guys pointed at her and licked her dark lips, "Chik! Seems like you had a rough night that your customer even tore off your top. How about I tear off his shirt that you are wearing tonight?"

Nina's tears vaporized as her blood boiled. She wanted to crash a large stone on his head. "How dare you..." Before she could complete the sentence, Ace jumped on him and started beating black and blue that the other boys ran away seeing that.

The guy pleaded as he was bleeding and crying because of pain from his broken bones. "Dare you to talk to a girl that way, especially if it's my girl." Uttering that, he hit him with force for the last time, which made his bun come out.