Chapter 2

As Edgar Allen Poe would say in his famous tale 'The Tell-Tale Heart' and I quote from his damn work, "Now this is the point. You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing." I know what you're probably thinking. I'm fucking crazy like that douchebag in the story that killed the old man because of his fucking beating heart. Well, at this point, I was starting to feel fucked and shitty, but not from her. No, it was something worse. I couldn't just explain every piece of shit. Like I said, it's a lot. For now, this part of my end of this story was going to get fucking weird. I hope you got some nerves of steel because this is when shit begins to get weird. It's like when you're smoking pot or taking some shitty LSD after a long time and you see things that aren't there at first but they are there. Yep! That's the feeling. The feeling that everything that you knew was going to be turned upside down.

~Sep. 24th, 20XX~

"What? No!" I wanted more of her shit. Laura sat on the ground and tilted that veiled head of hers away from me, "This is all I can tell you." I looked at the time and it was past midnight. She was at this tale for over a few good hours. What the hell? "C'mon," I got up and began pacing impatiently, "That can't be the end of your shit! There's gotta be more fucked up stuff that happened, right?" Her story seemed boring at first but it grew stronger and stronger. I felt even a few shivers run against my spine. That last part scared me the most. The unknown freakshow thing or whatever fucking thing it was got me. I had zero fucking clues about this thing!

She grew annoyed but I was surprised that she kept herself calm like a hippie high on weed or a drunk shithead, "Please, I wish for myself to have a moment. As for you, you need to rest. I know that your mind is plagued with many ideas about it." There was fear in her voice and I heard it. What the fuck was going on with her? I had to know but she kept making shitty excuses! It was driving me fucking nuts! Yet, she was right. It was getting late and work was coming soon. I didn't want to die just from getting into an accident and causing Dominic's not to give two shits about me. She was right, and I began to crash on the couch. I felt like shit and I don't know how long I'd stay awake. Ol' Bessie was already in her case and fast asleep. I snatched the first blanket I'd find in my closet but the weird shitty thing was when I turned around, she was gone. I didn't see her. Where the fuck did she go?

~Sep. 30th, 20XX~

Fast asleep was good but being haunted by her tale didn't help. Not to mention it trying to get me from time to time in my dreams. I saw her from time to time but that thing that was trying to get me came and went like shadows or thoughts in my mind. I was dreaming about her as a child, and I saw her: Long brown hair and eyes, her face covered in freckles, and a dress that didn't match the modern era at all. I saw her playing that violin of hers (Apollo, right?) but the shadows kept getting darker. I saw them consume her and that freaky thing began screaming along with her begging for someone to save her. When the shadows were gone, she looked like she was sleeping but her face saw nasty shit. I always felt like I was to be blamed and Robbie was right behind me. The fuckface was nothing but a mangled body that blamed me for not saving him and being nothing but a fucking coward. After that, I kept hearing it say that I was guilty and I was next.

I woke up in a shitty cold sweat and found myself awake in the middle of the night. I felt like crap from time to time. I just wished to be asleep for a long time with nothing but wonderful dreams of me being on stage. Well, I did get that a few times but then the crowd would be nothing but screaming at me saying that it was my fault. My fucking fault for being what? For being me? I didn't want this! For now, I looked outside my window and saw the orange streetlight from my tiny kitchen. I even saw myself and I looked like crap.

I turned around but Laura wasn't there. Maybe she was nothing but something that came out of my head just to get me out of there. I didn't know but it sure felt like that sort of shit. I yawned and went back to sleep.

~Oct. 2nd, 20XX~

I was currently on break from work and stopped at a little shop to grab lunch. Black Sabbath was screaming through my headphones and I gave zero shits about my hearing. I scrolled through my phone but noticed a text.

735:'I Know What You Did Last Summer'.

In other words, it was a code and I knew who was texting me.

216 : Dude, what's with you? I'm fine, It's just work.

735: Went to 'Stone Ocean', didn't you?

216: No! What's wrong with you?

735: Black Sabbath playing hard?

216: So?

735: Well, talk about '21st Century Vampire' LOL

216: Fuck you

I raised my head with a confused look on my face and looked around. I didn't see the douchebag hanging around while taking off my headphones again. I looked at my phone and saw the image of a pink ribbon. I'm sorry but what the fuck?

216: What's with the pink ribbon?

735: Head from 'Willy's Wonderworld' and to 'The Matrix' and I'll explain everything.

216: Uh…Okay?

735: Sounds like a fair deal!

What did he want with me?


Never thought I'd be at the college where they hung out. I began looking around the campus while I watched a few girls hanging around with one of the boys. Seriously, I wanted to head off to college but it was expensive. I knew someone had my back just for the music lessons but not enough for college. I wanted to have my own style in rock or metal music. "Ow!" I felt something hit me and I looked at my feet. It was a piece of crumpled paper and I opened it. Typical… It was a photocopy of an old movie poster. I knew the dude would pull this off.

I headed inside the halls and began looking around in the clubs section. Most of them were with teams and their doors closed with the lights on. The only one that didn't have the lights on was room 724. I peeked inside and saw what looked like some sort of old horror movie being played on the whiteboard. Boring and typical. It was October, after all.

"Like what you see?"

I turned around and saw a dude all dressed up in some sort of Victorian goth look. The figure was dressed in black but I saw hints of red from the back. The only thing that wasn't black was the weird scarf around the neck and the shirt. The dude tilted his top hat and smirked, "Or do you want a good shave where I miss and make you bleed?" I laughed while rolling my eyes, "Not funny." The shitface laughed in return while hugging me tightly, "Knew you'd say that! What do you think?" "I wanna know how you got that in the first place. That's probably over hundreds of dollars in that look." "Tell that to good ol' Sweeney!" Victorian douchebag winked, "Don't worry! No barber blades here!"

Now, I knew them for some time. To be honest, they were quite the movie fanatic but I knew they'd usually get this good shit. Jamie Boyd was the name after all. I knew them for a long time. Let's just say a few years back after a little jam session. They were good too, but vfdszfmostly backed me up with his alt. guitar.

"So, the getup? What's it for?" I paced around him as they twirled a little white hair around their fingers, "Uh~ Hello? Pink ribbon? It was his idea. After weeks of just getting tossed around, we finally did it." Whatever it was, I knew they were involved thanks to being part of the Movie Club. Seriously, they just had to join! After all, Jamie was thinking of getting involved in sound design or something like that for movies. Not going to lie but it did sound like fun.

Well, that was beside the point. Jamie and his gang of movie fanatics were hosting a Childhood Cancer fundraiser event during late October. I wasn't expecting that to come out of their mouth but I liked the idea. Now, they were doing a little scary attraction and man did it sound like a lot of fun. If they raised enough money, they'd send it to Mercy Hospital for a cure. Not going to lie. It's like cancer's not going to go away but I did like the idea. It sounded quite nice. So far from what I heard from their mouth, they already had plenty of good volunteers to clean up some abandoned building for the attraction. Yet, I wasn't ready to hear where it was located.

"Wait, where now?" I continued strolling and the two of us were outside. We sat under a large oak tree and Jamie smiled while scrolling through his phone, "Right here." My jaw dropped. No no no! Not good! It was the same damn fucking theater were I found Laura and that fucking thing in the first place! It wasn't what I wanted to hear from their mouth and I felt sick. "Dude, you okay?" Jamie was a little confused, "Aren't you happy that--?" "Look, it's a great idea and all but did your club leader have to seriously do this at that old place? Why not some old coffee shop or some other abandoned school? Why not here?" They rolled their silver eyes, "Ha! In your dreams! I totally got this down with my club. You gotta think big, Trissy! It's how it works!"

Oh boy…This wasn't what I had in mind. Laura was going to have a fucking fit!

~Oct. 6th, 20XX~

I just had to get dragged in again. Well, okay, it wasn't that bad since over thirty some people were here. The broken windows were replaced while the old shit that was here when I first came here were all swept away. I wasn't going to lie that the place needed some work. It felt like a restoration project but ten times bigger. One of the college administrators kept everything in check while some of the students and volunteers continued cleaning. I was just lucky that I had some extra vacation hours with me just to help out with this event. I even heard some of the geeky kids wish that some sort of shitty goblin were to come here just to help. Heck like that'll happen here in Brooklyn's older entertainment district.

"Guys! I found something!" I heard one of the volunteers cry out and I began heading to the main stage where I fell into that pile of bones down below. A small group of shitheads were around the the douchebag who made the catch but even I was fucking shocked. My jaw damnit dropped and I saw what looked like an instrument case. Inside it was an old violin still intact along with its bow. The velvet lining was a little busted up but the violin remained safe. "Where did you find that?" One of the female volunteers asked. "In the back and there's more shit! It's insane!" "Bet we can pawn this sort of shit for cash." "No fucking way! That belongs in a museum!" "I got it first." I peeked over and saw Jamie coming over with the movie club leader and the admin shithead that was coming with us. I was quick to get out of the situation but the violin…Was it Laura's? I didn't know since the admin seemed interested in the instrument. Aside from the instrument, I saw the old dresses and suits the theater owned for a long time. Yet, with the spotlights on, I saw something odd.

I snuck away from all the fuckers who were just having their shit and saw what looked like a t-shirt or something that looked like it. It was all fucked up with tears and rips in it. I heard Jamie call out to me but I kept looking around. I noticed more shit that looked like it belonged to our time mixed with older clothes. "What the hell?" I continued going through the shitpiles but felt their hand on my arm. "Dude, seriously?" I jumped and backed up from them. "Okay, sorry, but are you okay? You've been acting odd aside from the 'oh, I had work' excuse. It's like you know this place." Jamie raised a gray brow, "Were you here before?" I gave him a funny laugh, "Haha! Very funny! Why--Why would you say that?" They crossed their arms, "Again, you're acting weird. Hope you're okay." "Look, dude, I'm fine! Really!" I backed up while trying to not find that fucking hole where Laura and I first met. I just hoped that thing wasn't around to try and kill any of us shitheads. Yet, why was my stomach starting to act up again? I began feeling sick again and I hated it. I felt like crap. Jamie was right in front of me and I didn't like them being in front of me. I just hoped they wouldn't find out whatever shit was going down. Fuck my head! I felt dizzy and Jamie was looking. Not good! I needed to run! Looks like that violin was going to be for another day.

"Trissy, are you okay?" Jamie continued heading to me and I backed up, "No no! I need some air! It's nothing! Haha!" I began sprinting away from Jamie as he called me once or even how many damn times just to get me. I hoped that the admin wasn't going to see me. Again, that violin and all those clothes were for another day. I just needed to leave before someone found me out. And fuck my damn leg! I forgot that it was still healing. It felt worse than normal shit I went through as a kid. Jamie, stop following me.

"Shit! Hey! Someone get over here!" I stopped and looked to my left. I found one of the volunteers looking like shit. It was weirdly like how I was when I first came here. It was a dude that was around his thirties and Jamie was quick to get over there to help. Thank fucking God that someone stepped in. I began rushing myself out while holding onto my stomach. I heard the group claim it was the smell of any chemicals being used to clean up the dump of a theater. Fuck that shit! Someone died in there and I knew someone was to blame. But I had to know more. Laura would know more, right? Where did that chick go?

~Oct. 9th, 20XX~

It's been two days since one of the volunteers got sick. Well, who gave a fuck? I didn't want to be part of that shit. I stayed home after looking around for Laura. It took me all goddamn day just to find that chick. For now, I was having takeout for dinner and watching TV. I wasn't into TV since Ol' Bessie would be on my lap and I'd be playing the shit out of her. Odd that true crime shit was going down on the channel I was on. Most of them were serial killers but a few of them got my attention. Some like Jack the Ripper or the BTK douchebag that was killed in '06. Yet, there were a few that did catch me. One was about this dude known as 'Dr. Death' or something like that. The bitch poisoned his patients and most of them were like eldery. I think…I don't know! Yet, I began thinking about what was going on the news as well.

Yeah, I didn't pay attention to the news a lot but I noticed that some shitheads are going missing for no reason. From males to females all ranging in teens to eldery, they were going missing. So far, there were about, I dunno, like fifteen people. The weird part is that all of them happened in the last two or three days. I didn't see Laura's veiled face on the screen so I was hoping she was okay. How could some chick like her go missing?

"Okay, this is shit." I turned off the TV and stretched. I was bored. I already had my fun with Ol' Bessie, streamed shit on my phone, and had my fucking shit with the true crime fuckers. I laid on my couch while looking at the ceiling. I frowned a little. Laura continued to nag me and I didn't like it. I wasn't attracted to her but I wanted more. Her story was like a drug and kept replaying through my mind. I wanted to know more about what shit happened to her. Yet, the weird part is that she spoke like a fucking grandma. What was with her? Why was she like that?

I was about to trash everything that I got from my order but a scratch came from the door. "Hello?" I was a little freaked out from the little fuckshow I had. I was hoping that wasn't the freakshow nutshitcase that wasn't planning to try and kill me. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and hid it behind my back. I wasn't usually this freaked out but I didn't like this shit. After what I went through, I was like crap, and those fucked up dreams weren't helping either. The scratching continued as I slowly headed for the door and then hid beside my door. The window's blinds were still open and I peeked outside from in between them. No one was out there on both sides which didn't help. The scratching continued outside my door and I was about ready to stab who the fuck ever was outside. My heart fucking picked up speed and I was ready to stab whatever was out there. My free hand began to head for the knob and slowly opening the door hurt my mind. I hoped that thing wasn't out there to kill me. I swallowed the lump in my fucking throat and swung the door wide.

I screamed and blindly struck something. I felt something warm against my face and body and continued stabbing whatever was in front of me. I grunted loudly as whatever was going at me scratched my arms and face. I eventually stopped after striking whatever was in front of me over a dozen times. I felt and saw blood all over me and the knife. When I looked, I didn't see a person. I dropped the knife and it clattered against the concrete. My eyes widened in horror when I saw a dead cat with hundreds of holes. Fuck! I backed up while bringing the dead cat inside. Fuck fuck fuck! I fucked up! I fucking fucking up! Blood continued to stain my face, hair, clothes, and body as it stained everything that fucking deep red. I didn't mean for this damn cat to die by my own hands! I felt the cold body and I felt tears stream down my face. They stung like shit and I knew burying the cat was the right thing to do. I didn't see a collar on it so I hoped I wasn't going to rot in fucking prison just because of my head going shitty. Laura! I beg of you! Stop this madness! Please!

Just when things were going wrong, I heard someone scream and I knew where it came from. The dead cat was shoved under my kitchen sink and I began cleaning the blood off my face and the knife. Damnit! Why doesn't this shit come off easily like in the movies? I continued wiping it but I cut my thumb in the process. I dropped the knife in the sink and watched the knife with a shaky breath. The blood pooled and drained in the water. I felt like shit as I continued screaming to get rid of the dead cat near my feet. I knew it'd have to be done later and people were going to complain. Maybe I can lie about me having blood getting spilled from shopping? No no! Fuck! I'm fucked up! I knew that climbing out was going to be hard since I lived on the fourth floor of the fucking cheap apartment. The fire escape could work and I'd get out alive. Fucking God! I'm screwed! I'd have to fuck myself up more just to get out of this alive.

I made my way to the door and I was scared shitless. I didn't see anyone out there but I didn't want to kill myself from this shit anymore. I opened the door slowly and my eyes widened when I saw a figure that I knew from over a week ago. My jaw fucking dropped as I knew it was her. Laura, you…You came back. She was afraid and saw every last bit of me covered in blood. "Laura, I… I can explain--" "What have you done?," she backed away from me, "Did you-- Did you kill someone? Answer me!" I was scared shitless out of my mind but I took a shaky breath, "Look, I was defending myself. I thought what you mentioned in your story was there. I'm sorry!" I didn't know what she was doing under that fucking veil but something about her dress was fucking strange. I noticed parts of it were rotting away and I saw bits of her skin underneath. The fucking weirder part was that her skin was white but with spots that were rotting away. I even saw what looked like bone underneath. What the fucking hell was wrong with her? She gasped and quickly hid her wrists as if she saw me looking at her. I looked away from her like I didn't look at her.

She was worried about me, "what did you kill with your own hands?" I gulped and let her inside. I noticed her dress was also rotting at the edges and I was able to see peeks of her shoe covered feet. Well, more like little boots that reached above her ankles. Even they were black along with whatever shitty tights she had. I went to the kitchen sink and pulled out the cold dead cat. I was shaking as I held it and she let out a tiny gasp, "You did this to a poor creature?" I saw her place a hand on the cat's body and petted it like the killed bitch was alive. She knew it was wrong for me to kill but I was scared. Placing it in a garbage bag didn't seem right for her. She wanted me to burn the cat's body and scatter its ashes to the wind. What the hell is up with you, Laura? I'm not cooking a dead cat in my kitchen! I knew from her story that a cat guarded human lives. I didn't mean to do it! Yet, I did have to do it. I'd have to wait until later tonight after everyone sleeps or when everyone isn't looking. I just fucking hoped no one was going to report this shit if they saw the cat blood in front of my apartment room.

"Aside from this mournful situation, perhaps I can tell you what happened next," Laura looked at me and sat in front of the coffee table, "With so, I hope you'd be able to possess a stomach of steel. I worry deeply for you, my friend, since you vomited when we first met from an unknown illness." I watched her head hang low as if she was grieving about that cat I killed out of self defense. Again, the thought of the cat screaming and clawing out at me tortured my mind. I didn't mean for this to happen. My body had a mind of its own and I began to close everything tight. I locked the doors and window, blinded the windows, turned off the lights, snatched the candles, lit them, and placed them on the coffee table. I sat on the couch in my bloodstained state and stared at her with wide and curious eyes. It was like I was part of some cult spell and couldn't control myself. I was scared shitless about whatever was going to happen but I fucking begged that some crazy shit outside wasn't going to happen. Please, don't kill my fucking asshole of my soul! I didn't want this!