
Chapter 1

"Is it safe to have them around at this juncture?"

His Majesty of the Silver Court Clint Miller looked up from his paperwork to his brother-in-law at the window. He was undoubtedly staring down into the courtyard where their newest guests were walking around.

Everyone knew Jesse and Klark were the ones who were more reserved about this whole ordeal they were about to undergo, but that was because they had been sheltered from Court life until a year ago.

They'd officially taken on their roles in the Silver Court after the people had settled down and moved into their new homes in the Southeast. They'd lived in Pennsylvania all their lives so the culture shock and slower way of life had shocked them.

But it had paled in comparison to their new job. They were now to help the Queen, who happened to be their younger sister, in running not only their Sector, but also millions of people. Not everyone saw everything eye to eye, so they had to help find middle ground.

Clint stacked his papers and dropped them into the top tray. "Jess, sit down." It took a few minutes for the other man to sit down. Damn his wife for making him do this. "Last night Aiden and I came to a decision regarding this whole thing. We want you to be their ambassador."

Jesse stared at him. After a year, he still wasn't used to the idea of his sister's husband giving him orders. "Do what? Why?"

"You're more easygoing than Klark, and Aiden can't do it with the twins only a month and a half old. You're the best one for the job."

Jess pointed out the window. "They're Elves, Clint. None of us knew they even existed until Austin ran into them in New York."

He was right. About three months ago their Sector 1 Leader Austin Somme encountered the Elves while protecting his now wife Bryony. Upon further investigation, they learned the Elves had been integrated in human society for centuries. The first one they had met had worked with Bryony. Dex Arthur, the human name he went by whose real surname was Arrya, had been the one to get them in touch with the Elven Royalty.

Another thought shook him. After they'd helped Austin, they'd made it known they would like to talk to Aiden about forming an alliance. But they didn't know anything about them. Jess was slightly wary.

"They can't be that bad. Their healers helped deliver my son and daughter."

Once again he was right. Aiden had gone into labor while in discussions with the Royals while Austin had been attacke din his own home and had had complications. The Elves had already sent an envoy to start negotiations, and their Healers among them had been very helpful in delivering the babies safely. In that month and a half, Aiden had been recovering slowly which was why Clint had taken over her duties on top of his own.

Clint sat back in his chair and stared at his brother-in-law. Jesse was his wife's fourth oldest brother. When he had been asked to take over a Sector a year ago, he had requested Sector 3 which was adjacent to Sector 6, the Sector Aiden ran. He wanted to be close to his sister, two-year-old nephew and the new twins. And because of that, Clint put the final nail in the coffin.

"Your sister was very adamant about it," he said quietly.

Jesse hung his head. His sister knew how to get to him. He stood and headed for the door. "Where is she?"

The other man smiled as he reached for the next folder. "She's in the nursery." When the door closed, he laughed. "Oh, my wife, what have you done?"

Jesse knocked once and strode in. He stopped at the sight. Dylan, his oldest nephew by his sister, played with blocks in the floor while his mother rocked one of the twins. The other was lying in the crib quietly.

He walked over and stuck his finger in the crib. Kielan grabbed his finger and held on as tightly as his young age would allow. It was amazing what his sister had accomplished in five years, among them had been a good husband, three lovely children, and a very wealthy Kingdom.

"What's bothering you, Jess?"

He turned at her tired voice. "Why me?"

She stood and walked over to the empty crib beside Kielan's. "You're like Andy: very diplomatic. If anyone else could do it, and do it well, I'd ask them."

"But it's got to be me?" She nodded solemnly and he sighed. "Why do I follow you?"

"Because you love me."

He turned, looking her up and down. He took the three steps to the rocker and ran his hand over her face, holding it in his palm gently. "You're pale, sister. Why don't you go lie down for a bit?"

"Dylan will be left alone."

"I can drop him off with Mom. I know she's in her sewing room."

Aiden smiled. "That's fine. Tell her I'll…"

He took his niece and placed her in the crib next to her twin. He patted her gently when she started fussing. "I'll tell her you're getting rest. Once she determines you're well rested then your son will return. Just think of it as me kidnapping him until you're better."

He watched as she climbed in the twin sized bed they had placed in the nursery for Dylan when the twins were born. Once she was settled, he kissed the top of her head then swung Dylan up on his hip. "Say bye to Mommy."

Dylan squirmed enough to where Jess was forced to lower him a bit. The little boy reached down and kissed his mother on her forehead. "Bye bye, Mommy."

He waited until he was certain his sister was almost out of it before leaving the nursery. His mother's sewing room was just down the hall on his way out of the eastern wing of the living chambers. He would have to pass it on his way to the front courtyard.

Because his mother would rip him a new one if he were rude, he knocked twice and waited for her answer. It came seconds later and he walked in.

"Ah, Jess," she said as she stopped her sewing when she saw him. Dylan began to squirm once again. "And how's my favorite grandson?"

"Mom, is there any way you can watch Dylan for a bit? Aiden's in the nursery asleep with the twins and Clint's doing paperwork. I've been asked to talk with our guests until Aiden can," he said as he set the young boy's toys in the floor.

Kathryn smiled. "Of course I'll watch him. Why didn't Aiden bring him to me?"

"She still can barely walk the span from her room to the nursery. From what I understand and saw, she's been staying in the nursery."

"She may need a transfusion."

"That's what we think. The only one who can give it to her is Mikey."

"I'll call your errant brother."

"Brother, yes, but errant he is not. He is taking great pains to restore his own kingdom. Call him. He always answers. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend."

Kathryn inclined her head to him. He was her oldest child and yet not the more mature one. That title fell to her youngest son. But there was something resigned about Jess. It was as if he thought he would never be with someone he truly loved. She could see the sadness playing on his face as he thought about it and as he played with his niece and nephews. She couldn't help her son if he didn't try to help himself first.

Turning one eye to her grandson, she began her task once more.

Jess stood beside a pillar and watched the Elves as they sat on the benches beside the river. When they had the property landscaped, they had made sure there was a place for the children to play and benches for the parents to sit while they watched.

On the other side where the others were was a gazebo. It was the last structure before the bayou ate the land. Being strategically placed on two water ways had been their plan all along and it worked well for them so far.

Deciding he needed to get to work, he straightened his shirt and dusted off his khakis and walked off the porch. A young, dark haired Elf stood up. He said something over his shoulder and the rest stood to converge on the other.

"I'm sorry for your wait. My sister has been recovering slowly. At the moment she is not well enough to discuss things with you," he said levelly when his basic instinct was to turn around and go into town.

"We are happy to hear your sister is recovering. We weren't sure if she would due to the amount of blood she lost in childbirth," one female said.

He nodded. "I'm Jesse Jenks, Councilman of the Silver Court. Her Majesty has asked me to see to your needs "

The elder of the group stepped forward. "I am Leothain, ruler of the Living Wood. You would know of it as Caldecari. These are my brother Lacain and my daughter Kasta. We are humbled by your sister's hospitality and if she does not mind, we will remain until she is fully healed."

"I'm sure my family can find some arrangements for you."

"If it is not too much trouble, perhaps your sister will allow us to build our style of homes in the trees. We prefer to be above ground so we can see when dark arrives," Lacain requested.

It was the first time Jess had heard that. He had read The "Lord of the Rings" on a regular basis and had known those Elves had lived in trees depending on which race they were. As far as he knew, there was only one race of Elf here.

Then again, he had never met one until just over a month ago. In that small span, they had celebrated their human milestones and holidays, and the Elves had watched on in expectation. They were learning about the humans as much as the humans were learning from them.

"I'll see what can be done. If you'll follow me, our cook has prepared something fit for three kings. I made certain there was no meat because rumor spread that those of the Elven realm were vegetarian."

The King stepped up to him, effectively making him feel three feet tall when he was actually just over six foot. "Thank you, Master Jesse. You are most kind."

"Please. Call me Jess. Everyone else does."

A look flashed across the Elf lord's face. "It would seem inappropriate."

Jess laughed. "Please, my Lord. You have been here a month and a half. You have seen inappropriate firsthand and it has come from my family."

The Elven King simply smiled. Jess shrugged and led the way into the mansion to discuss lodging with Clint. He wasn't sure how this was going to work, but he would do as his brother-in-law asked. He just hoped his sister would get better so she could take it off his hands, and he could be the doting uncle he was.