
Chapter 11

"Are you sure you can't stay?" Andrew asked. He held a stack of books in his hand as he tried to help Elijah with whatever he needed.

The group was gathering in the library. Emery was still working on the computer. He hadn't budged in the three hours it took them to get Austin cleaned up and dressed. Abby hung on his shoulder like she had been since he had started working.

Jess was walking slightly better than he had been. The effects of Elijah's magic were wearing off so he could keep his balance. Kasta was still at his side though. She wasn't going to let him keel over and potentially die. Jess laughed at the thought that ran through her head. Only she would come up with that answer.

Keldin shook his head in answer to the mayor's question. "I'm afraid not. We have to get home to see about our family. Plus I want to get Austin to Rowan and Paycen before he does keel over." He shifted Austin on his shoulder as his brother leaned forward too much.

Andrew made a face that said he wasn't too convinced Austin would make the trip. "Can you shadow-walk everyone there?"

"Jess is aware enough to help me get everyone there safely. I'll send Wyatt back for Elijah. I don't want to risk hurting these two even more." He looked to Elijah. The other man nodded his head in agreement.

Andrew looked between the small group and the wizard. Something had happened between them and the mayor had missed it. He shrugged because he knew this crew's reputation. Whatever they put their minds to they did it. It didn't matter what it was.

"I guess there's no way I can sway you. I will give you as much support as I can. Just let me know when you get home," he said.

"We will."

"I'll stay here and try to figure out this mess," Emery said.

Keldin shuffled Austin back into the corner of the room. Jess, Kasta, and Bryony moved with them. Bryony stepped under Austin and transferred half of his weight to her shoulders. He smiled as he turned his head and inhaled the scent of her shampoo, kissing her head when he was finished.

The younger Somme looked at Jess. The other sick man nodded and they pressed into everyone's minds. It took a couple of seconds to whisk everyone into oblivion. Once they did, five seconds passed before they were standing in Austin's room in New Orleans.

Bryony and Keldin shuffled Austin over to his bed. He didn't want to go. He wanted to go to the nursery but he couldn't. The children were still young. No one knew how they would react to magic poisoning.

Jess gripped Kasta's hand tightly. "Let's go find Rowan and Wyatt. We have to send Wyatt to get Elijah anyway."

Kasta didn't argue as Jess pulled her through the doorway. She caught him when he stumbled but knew he was stubborn enough to continue on. She slid her arm around his waist and held his arm over her shoulder.

They made their way slowly down the hall. It was going to be a tedious journey up the stairs because their rooms were on the first floor. Aiden and Clint's rooms were upstairs. Jess stumbled on the stairs as they went but Kasta was right there to straighten him.

When they got outside the nursery, Kasta stopped and plopped Jess in the overstuffed chair outside the closed double doors. He looked up at her in shock but she didn't flinch.

"You should sit there. I'll go get Rowan and Wyatt," she said. She didn't leave any room for argument as she turned on her heel and walked into the nursery.

Rowan and Wyatt were talking by the windows. Clint was sitting on the day bed they had brought in when Aiden had found out she was pregnant. Alysse was holding one of the babies while Cole held the other. Kasta ignored the other woman and made a beeline for the Healer and Opulent.

"Wyatt, you need to go to New York. There's a wizard that wants to come talk to you once everyone is safe," she said. Her voice was pitched low so no one else could hear. Wyatt looked at her then disappeared. Glad he didn't ask any questions, she turned her attention to Rowan. "I need your help. Jess and Austin have been poisoned."

Rowan's face was a slate as he followed her to the door. When he walked out, Paycen was strolling around the corner. Zander and Micah were with him. They must have been holed up with Carson and Jordan in the lab with the cultures Wyatt had been growing.

Paycen knelt in front of Jess. His hands framed his face as he tilted it from side to side. "Where's Austin?"

"He's in his room. He's worse for wear than I am," Jess replied. He tried to pull his face away, but he was just a tad too weak.

The red head nodded despite the small smile on his face. "Micah, you're with me. This will be a good time for you to understand what magic does to us."

Once he was satisfied, he let Jess go then cast Kasta a look. She stiffened as his eyes roved her body. He was just taking inventory of her injuries in case she needed help. He nodded when he didn't see anything and turned away.

As Paycen walked away with the young Healer, Kasta could see why the man was a very good friend of Austin's. He was loyal and very passionate about his friends and job. If anyone could teach that kid, it was Paycen. No wonder he was one of the most highly esteemed Healer in the Silver Court.

Rowan knelt down in front of Jess and pressed his hands to his face. Jess closed his eyes as his friend helped him even though the other man had just done the same thing. Zander stood close behind him watching him closely. Zander wasn't used to the way the Silver Court worked so he was just as happy to sit back and watch.

"How did this happen?" Rowan asked as he sat back on his heels.

"Austin was poisoned by a witch. She used a hallucinogenic wrapped in her magic to poison him slowly. We just happened to find him in time," Jess replied. He moved his mouth as his tongue felt thick. "Cotton mouth."

"Well, all I can say is go get some sleep. There's nothing much I can do for you. I'm not used to magic." He handed a glass of water to him and watched him drink it slowly.

"Will Paycen have any success?" Kasta asked.

"More than likely because he's knows Austin like the back of his hand." Rowan grabbed Jess under the shoulders and hauled him up. The other man made a noise in the back of his throat as Rowan transferred him to Kasta. "Get him to bed. His room's the next floor down, third set of doors on the left."

Kasta nodded and turned on her heels as best she could. Once again it was hard going because Jess wanted to pitch forward. She tried her best to keep him upright but he tripped over his feet. They tumbled down the stairs. She had to turn her body at the last second to absorb the impact of the marble stairs.

Her head smacked the floor hard. There was ringing in her ears and stars filled her eyes. She barely heard someone calling her. Suddenly Jess's weight was pulled off her and whisked away. Someone jerked her up too quickly because her head started to ring even more.

When she came to, she was in her father's flat out in the backyard. Leothain was standing next to the door talking to one of the other Elves that had come with them. From the tension in his shoulders she could tell he was upset about something.

She tried to sit up but her head started pounding. She groaned as she laid back against her pillows. A shadow covered the light that was seeping in the doorway. When he opened her eyes, they focused on the face of her father. His dark hair fell over his shoulders in sleek waves. His blue eyes were full of concern.

"Kasta, are you well?" he asked. His hand ran over her hair, face, and shoulders inspecting her for injury.

She blinked a couple of times to clear her vision entirely. "What happened?"

"You were helping that man down the stairs when he fell on top of you. I did not make it in time to catch you. You hit your head. Their Healer says you have a concussion."

"What of Jess?"

"He was placed in his room. My dear, I am sending you home. This is not the place for you."

Kasta didn't think about it. She sat up as quickly as she could and swung her legs over the side. She felt like Jess as she stumbled for the door. Leothain caught his daughter as she nearly tripped over the stairs leading to the ground.

"Calm yourself, child! You do not want to harm yourself anymore than you already are!" he scolded.

"Let me go, Father!" She fought against him with all her might, but it was zapped due to the concussion.

"You are going home. Malrick has asked for your hand and I have agreed. Once you return, you shall be wed."

"No!" This time Kasta pulled away and made it down the stairs.

She could hear Leothain's footfalls as he followed her into the palace and through the halls. She slipped going up the stairs but regained her footing. She knew there was a turn to go do to Jess's room. She caught the siding around the hallway door and swung her body around it. Coming to the third set of doors on the left, she went in without knocking.

Cole looked up as she ran across the room and launched herself at the bed. Jess opened his eyes when she hit the other side of the mattress and looked over. She buried her face in his shoulder and threw her arm around his waist. Jess enclosed her in his arms and turned on his side to block her from view.

"Kasta?" Leothain asked as he came in the door. Malrick crowded in behind him. "Kasta, what do you think you are doing?"

Cole stood and placed his book on the table. "Please don't yell. Jess is still resting."

Leothain straightened himself and folded his hands in front of him. "Tell your brother to unhand my daughter."

"I can't do that, Lord Leothain."

The Elven king's face turned bright red but then cooled immediately. "Why not?"

"Those two are destined to be together. We can all see it."

"My Lord, they are lying to you. There is no way an Elf and a human can be destined to be together. It is impossible," Malrick replied. No one was sure when he arrived, but his voice cut through the atmosphere like a spoon cutting through butter.

Cole's temper heated. "If you think of taking my brother's mate from him, you will deal with Aiden when she gets well. Mates are sacred to us and disturbing them is a type of sacrilege."

Leothain huffed. "We will discuss this when your sister is well."

Malrick remained behind when his king had walked out. "You do not want to make the king angry. He is not the nicest when he is angry."

"Your king is not the only one who is not the nicest person when angered. I ask you to leave." Cole waited until the last Elf turned and stalked from the room. Finally he sighed and turned to pick up his book. "You owe me big time, Jess."

Jess waved his hand in acknowledgment but didn't say a word. He was too wrapped up in the moment. Cole snorted and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. If his brother wanted to die, he would do it on his own accord.