Chapter 422- Battles of Domains

"Do you think just because you are a mist, no one can harm you?" 

The emperor of mist felt resistance in his domain, and he couldn't move his mist around.

[Who are you?! And how did you enter my domain?! No one can enter someone else's domain and take control over it!]

"I didn't mean to, but your domain was so fucking weak that I didn't even notice it," Zach scoffed out loud.

[How dare you disrespect—!]

"Shut the fuck up, you lowly demon!" Zach crushed the mist in his hand and forced the emperor of the mist to manifest a physical form.

[How… How is this possible?! How can someone touch me in my mist form?! I am the most powerful general of the demon lord!]

"If someone like you is the most powerful, then I guess I shouldn't even be worried about that massive pet guarding the gates of the inner hell," Zach remarked as he wore his clothes.

[Who are you?! State your name!]