V (Part I)

I am unpacking my things inside my room when I hear a knock on the door. I look at my watch and notice that it is already 9:15 in the evening. The person knocking must be the staff that they have mentioned. I go to the door and looked at the peephole. Outside, I see four women. One of them wears the same outfit as the girl in the lobby while the other three behind hear are wearing white long sleeve collared polo, mid-thigh-length pencil skirts, black stockings, black leather shoes, and a shiny gold neckerchief. I open the door and they greet me while bowing, "Good Evening, Madame."

I kinda get weirded out by the gesture.

"My name is Adel and I am here to deliver the ambrosia." She tells me smiling.

"Oh, come in." I open the door wider so they can enter and follow her to the couch, "Please, sit."

The woman in black sits down on the end of the three-seater sofa while the other three stand behind her, waiting for her further instructions. I sit on the single couch beside her. The woman behind her steps forward and lays down a test tube rack with 6 test tubes with different colors of liquids- Clear White; and metallic Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink- on the top of the coffee table.

"Drinking this will be your ticket to the dream realm." She assures me.

"Uhm. Actually, this is my first time doing this," I start.

"Oh," She gets taken aback.

"Can you tell me how it works?" She smiles at me.

"Sure. The Passion House is a hotel that offers a variety of services to its clients and that includes this seemingly impossible soiree that our management has come up with. For the last 60 years, the hotel has provided un-equaled conditions for our patrons. Hence, by 1984, we have started to fund a study to find or create the best method of relaxation that we can provide to our guests. In 1998, our scientists have come up with a liquor that is made from different types of fruit juices that if drinking, gives our client instant total physical relaxation and triggers their spirits to enter another realm-"

"You mean, like, astral projection?" I cut her off.

"Yes." She continues. My heart beat faster and my hands start to shake. You see, I have always been interested in Astral projections before. You see, being a writer makes you curious about a lot of things, and this includes in my list. I have never had astral experiences before but some of my friends who have done it have told me that it is a life experience one should never miss. Of course, I have my doubts, too. What if my soul will not be able to come back to my body? Is this even possible? Somehow, it feels like she has heard my thoughts, "You don't need to worry, too. Madame. This method of relaxation has been enjoyed for the last 23 years. Also, this has been proven safe and effective by our patrons who spend a lot of time in a week in it."

"What should I expect in that other dimension?" I ask her.

"As your body relaxes in this world with the help of your attendants," she motions to the ladies behind her, "You can have all the fun in the world without worrying about the consequences over there. You will be able to meet new people without having physical contact with them. You will also not feel tired or drunk when you are there. Once you wake up, you will feel very refreshed and physically pampered to face the next day."

"Wow," is all that I can say.

"The only drawback about it is that you will not remember anything about it when you wake up. It will all seem like a dream. We also call this the Dream Escape."

"Cool," is all that I can mutter. It does help if the people you will be hanging out with will not remember anything the next day. Not only that it will save you from a lot of embarrassment, it also prevents non-consensual source of laughter in the city.

"Allow me to introduce your attendants. The one on the left is Lorraine, she is a licensed physical therapist who specializes in Swedish and Shiatsu Massages; the one in the middle is Adora, she is a licensed beautician; and on the right is Hayley and she is in charge of your cosmetic needs."

They all say, "Hi," to me and I reply in the same manner.

"Can I start mixing your drink, Madame?" Adel asks me.

"Sure." Lorraine immediately comes forward from our cue and she reaches out a clear glass chalice and puts it on the table. Adel picks the white liquid first and pours it all on the cup. Next comes half of the purple and half of the blue liquid. A very small amount of green comes after it. A quarter amount of yellow liquid and three drops of pink. It looks so pretty as they dance in the cup, not really mixing as I notice that they have different densities, "Can you tell me about my drink?"

"The white liquid is what our scientists have created, the colored ones are purely just flavorings. The one in purple is made from grapes, the one in blue is from blueberry extract, green is peppermint, yellow is from chamomiles and honey, and pink is from cherries." She then slides the goblet towards me and lays beside it a glass stirring rod. "I will now take my leave so you can now prepare for your beauty sleep. Your attendants will stay here to take care of you." She stands up and bows to me. I also stand up to lead her to the door. Reaching the knob, I remember some questions that I think will be important.

"Uhm, Ms. Adel, I have a few more questions."

"What is it?" She raises her head towards me and smiles.

"How will I wake up?"

"You will automatically wake up during sunrise." She trails off, "but if you really need to wake up, just find a mirror that shows you sleeping here. That's the exit."

"Will I see my mom, there?"

"Of course." She smiles.

"Thank you."

"At your service, Madame." And she goes out of my room.

I go to the bathroom and washes myself up. I take my time enjoying myself in the bathtub for a while. I reach out for a white bathrobe on the bathroom cabinet and go straight to my room's vanity mirror. My attendants are behind me, preparing my bed. Staring next to me is a brunette girl with pale skin and brown eyes. I still look the same... but somehow different. Right now, although my face still looks somewhat sullen, I finally see glints of rose color on my cheeks. Maybe now, life has gotten better. Maybe now, I can survive.

I change my clothes into my white laced sleeping dress. I picked up the goblet from the table and lay it on my bedside table. I get myself settled on my bed as my attendants line up beside me. Once comfortable, I take the cup, stir the liquid slightly, and the metallic colors move like stars in purple clouds. It is so pretty, I almost do not want to drink it. But still, I did.

The cup kisses my lips as the liquid comes into my mouth. The smell enters my nose like flowers during the blooming days of spring. It also tastes like the sweetest wine that has been cultured for ages. The peppermint helps to clear up my thoughts, too. It is so good I become afraid to empty the cup. I don't want to end this calming effect it gives to me.

My mind has gone blank and I feel Lorraine take the goblet from my hands and slowly guided me to lay on my back on the bed. I have never expected this surge of calmness within me before. It is like I have finally felt empty in a good way. My mind is free from thoughts, like a calm sea that has never seen a storm. I cuddle myself up under the duvet and I can't stop myself from closing my eyes. Then and there, I drift to sleep in a hope of a better tomorrow.