VI (Part I)

Wow. It has been a while since I laugh with a stranger. I gather my composure and sit properly facing the counter. Even if he is a fan, maybe I should still guard myself up. However, I am also quite surprised with myself because, for some reason, I feel quite safe. I honestly did not feel like I have been attacked. I look at this man standing. Maybe that is because we are in a dream and nothing he does can harm me in reality. Maybe I also feel quite comforted by the fact that he says that he is my fan like he is assuring me that he believes in me. That he trusts me that all of those false claims against me are not true. It's like I automatically put my guards down. But I should still look out for myself.

"I can't believe that I would see you here," He says. He pulls out a chair beside me and sits on it.

"Uh yeah. It's my mom. She said we should try going here," I reply.

"Really? Where is she now?"

"She went to the casino." I take a sip of my drink and turn to look at him. The glow of red and blue lights highlighted his features. "Are you a regular here?"

"Ahh. Yes. y'know. Life gets hard sometimes." He says while drinking his brandy from his highball glass. He then looks at me sideways and smiles genuinely. It feels like he is assuring me that this night, he will not ask me about what had happened a month ago. I smile back at him as a gesture of gratitude.

Harris has his black hair unkempt; a quite sharp jaw; a pinkish soft-looking luscious lips- Wait. he must be wearing a lip balm. Did I drink a lot of water lately? I feel my lips are dry, as dry as a dessert-; his skin is smooth and glowing, too; his nose is tall and pretty much well-shaped; and a pair of hazel brown eyes that glitter in this dim light. His eyelashes are quite thick and long. I comment to myself. I get a bit insecure about mine I unconsciously touch my eye. I hear him giggle.

He is pretty tanned, too, About 5'11 in height with broad shoulders, and a toned body but not the muscular type. Tonight, he's wearing a white undershirt and tops it with a brown leather jacket, denim pants, and black pair of loafers. He looks so simple yet attractive at the same time.

What am I thinking?

I take a sip again. Go away, thoughts. It doesn't mean that when a man approaches you means that he wants you. Okay? And also, you're not ready yet. You've only met him tonight and you're not sure if you sill see each other again next time-

"Uhm," I hear Harris says to himself, "I actually don't know what to say."

I stay silent. Me neither.

He now turns to face me and his eyes are sparkling, "I still can't believe it. You're here, and in front of me."

Is he actually being a fanboy right now?

"I can't believe my eyes when I saw you walking down the stairs earlier," he continues, "That's why I gathered my courage to go to you and ask. It is really you."

"Uhh. Yeah. It's really me." I reply to him. I'm kind of grateful, too, because I thought that I will not be able to talk to anyone this night but here he is, he has approached me. "Are you alone?"

"No, I'm not. I'm with my friends," he gestures to the small group of people on the far part on the right side of the hall. That is where the leather couches are located. They are looking at us. I feel shy. He waves at them and they signaled him to go back there, "Let's go there. I bet my friends are also excited to meet you." He says and stands up.

"Wait." I struggle to my feet and am surprised because he has invited me to join them. He has given me a chance to socialize with other people. I might as well take it or else I'll be enjoying my night here all alone.

I follow him towards the group of people. Their area is located at the far corner of the room, the one that can observe everything that is happening in it. It can directly observe the dance floor, the staircase, and the bar counter.

"Hey guys!" he greets them. "It is really Ariah!" he exclaims.

"Oh my god," A short bob-cut-haired girl in red tuxedo top shiny leggings comes to me and black knee-high boots. "It is really you!" She does me a cheek-to-cheek kiss, "I thought Harris was wrong! I am Yohanne. I am also your fan! I've read all your books, and I like them so much," She says excitedly as does her small jumps in front of me.

"Thank you," I smile at her. She's around 5'4 in height and has silky white skin like hardened milk made into the canvass. Wow. Her dark brown almond-shaped monolid eyes are filled with awe as she invites me to sit down beside her. I notice that she is wearing very light make-up, too. Her skin is so smooth. I should ask her about her skincare routine later.

"We were really worried. I was one of your fans who have been waiting for you in Oceanea Suits last month. It seems like you just disappeared on the face of the earth." She tells me.

"I came here and visited my mom," I tell her. As a writer, it is actually easier for us to remove ourselves from the spotlight. That's how we do our stuff. Staying inside the room writing. Staying away from other people to focus on our writing. The only thing that is different now is that... I couldn't write anything for the last month. Somehow, I feel like, pen and paper aren't just for me.

"Understood," Yohanne. I can't believe it. These people's words somehow comfort me. Even though all of us are basically strangers, they did not force me to open up. A waiter comes to us with beers in their hands. I look at Harris and he's busy talking to a man and they are seated at the end of the table, "I'm also a regular here. If you are confused about anything, feel free to ask me, okay?"

"I will."

"Where are Stacey and Steven?" I hear him ask him as he's chugging the beer he holds.

"They are busy dancing over there," the man answers him. He then points to two blondes on the dance floor happily dancing and playing around. This man is quite tall, too. He exudes a very manly aura while sitting there wearing a white hoodie jacket and black baggy pants. With black hair and dark tanned skin, I bet girls go flooding over him. I also notice that he has thick eyebrows and somewhat little beards growing on his face.

"Oh right! Amy!" I hear Harris call my attention. I pretend that I have not been checking them both out.


"This is Melvin. He's my best friend." Harris introduces the man to me. "He's actually a DJ and he's just resting now. He has been playing the beats since we have arrived here." He jokingly punches him on his shoulder and Melvin laughs. Melvin extends his hands towards me.

"It's nice to meet you." He smiles, I take his hand, "I'm Amy. It's nice to meet you, too."

"Yeah. I heard about you quite a lot. These groups are your fans. Whenever you release a new book? They go gaga, I get dragged." He laughs. "Yohanne, over here, never losses her attendance during your book signings. And those two out there?" Yohanne hits Melvin's arms as she tries to suppress her laughs. He points to those blondes dancing, "Those are Stacey and Steven, they cried when you didn't come to your book signing last month." I look at Harris and he is laughing, too. Shyly. I smile at them. I never thought that my fans care for me to this extent.

"Where was Harris back then?" I ask them. I get curious. He's my fan, too, right? What has he been doing at that time?"

"This boy, right here, came here back home for some reason." Melvin pats Harris' shoulders as the latter is still grinning like an idiot.

I look at Harris and he seems to try to avoid having eye contact with me. So we came here at the same time. What a coincidence.

"Care for us to join the fun?" A girly voice interrupts us. I look at her and two gorgeous blondes stand behind Melvin. A man and a woman. They look so strikingly beautiful just standing over there.

"Oh, Amy." Harris points to the two, 'These are Stacey and Steven." I look at the two.

"So you are not going to introduce her to us, huh?" Stacey asks Harris. She has shiny salon-fixed waist-length wavy blonde hair, around 5'7 in height, and is wearing a tight bright pink sparkly spaghetti-strapped midthigh length dress and knee-high black gladiator 4 inched stiletto-heeled boots. Stacey is wearing heavy makeup that definitely accentuates her features but it is also evident that underneath it all lies a very pretty young woman.

The man sits beside Melvin while Stacey is still standing with her this arms placed on her waist. Steven looks a lot like her, his blond hair is combed and waxed backward and he's wearing a white floral shirt and khaki pants and the same vans sneakers with Melvin. The two both have distinctively bright blue eyes, like a clear blue sky.

"You already know her." Harris points out.

"What do you mean?"

I stand up and reach my hand out for a shake towards Stacey, "Hi, I'm Amy."

She looks at me and we're both shocked to see each other's reaction when she realizes who I am. Even Steven stands up in realization, too.

Woah. I never knew that writers like me are sometimes actually treated like celebrities.

Her eyes widen in surprise as she struggles to maintain her balance and covers her mouth to stop herself from shouting. Melvin immediately holds her waist to not make her fall down.'

"Y-you a-are-," Stacey stammers. Steven finishes it up for her in a loud voice that I worry might ring inside the hall.

"YOU ARE ARIAH!" while he's pointing at me.