XVI (Part II)

I feel so anxious. My sight is turning blurry as my heart feels like it's been ripped into pieces. I can't bear to lose another friend. I do not know what to do anymore and it feels like we are running out of options. At this point, I understand that it is easier to just die but...

I am still hoping that the real world is waiting for us out there.

That we can still get out of here.

And this includes the fact that I don't want to see us dying although tomorrow is no longer promised for us.

Gosh, I feel so pathetic.

I let out an air as I feel that I am losing all the hope that's left of me. Steven must have felt like that is why he did that, too.

Harris is running and I try so hard to match his pace. I know that he is so worried about his best friend. And we have to go there. We have to move fast. I try to ignore the sharp pain that is forming on my side as I put my hand on it in attempt to stop it from bleeding. My wound is still fresh anyway.

But I never really thought that Steven would actually kill himself. I thought of it as a possibility but...

I thought that Harris and I could help him. I guess our existence is not enough. I hope that when he sees us working together and finds an answer to leave this place, he might be hopeful enough. But...

He needs his family, those who he has lost.

And we will never equal ourselves to them.

We sprint towards the lobby. It is still well-lit like how it looks like when my Mom and I have enetered this place earlier. It seems like it is oblivious about everything that has been happening inside its walls. How can it look so grandiose yet so haunting at the same time?

We immediately go to the straight to where the pool should be and lo, there is no tarp that separates the pool from the inside of this hotel. In this world, the pool is wide open and there is no on-going maintenance. It is the first time that I have seen its pool area. It is so beautiful like a pool-glassdome garden. The light of the moon reflects the waters, illuminating the entire hotel. I unconsciously stops on my tracks and look around. This is beyond compare. Too bad this hotel-

I get startled when Harris immediately jumps into the water to save his friend.

"I hope we are not too late. I hope we are not too late," I keep on muttering to myself as Harris swims towards Steven who is now no longer visible on the surface of the water. I can't relax. I keep on walking around one spot, praying that for some miracle, Steven is safe.

Amidst my panic, I eventually hear soft whispers from people people who I have not noticed earlier. We have been so caught up into the thought of saving Steven that we have not realized what is happening around us.

Oh! Lord of the Moon

Our guidance in the Darkness

Receive our humble gift

For this, to be endless

Oh! Hear our prayers

Of longevity and life

With this soul we offer

Our devout sacrifice.

I look up and notice some white entities on the other side of the big pool. There are about 12 people out there, clothed in white robes that covers even their faces and their hands are raised in front of them. They are chanting those words, again, and again in perfect unison.

My jaw drops on what I have seen. My speculations are answered when Harris emerges from the water with Steven on his arm.

I help him pull Steven to safety.

"Harris, we have to get going," I tell him while making sure that they are now both out of the water. "We have to find a new safe spot and let's bring Steven with us," I speak so fast while I help him roll steven up so he can lay on his back but... nothing has ever prepared me to see the state Steven is in. I have never felt my whole body drain from blood. I feel cold and I feel my insides are turning. I can't stop myself. I vomit on the pool.

Steven's eyes has now turned all white as his lips has turned blue. He is not breathing, too. His body is now hard and it feels so cold. He is freezing like ice that has been taken out from the freezer. What is happening?

"Is he dead?" I ask Harris as he gets out from the water and immediate rushes to kneel down towards Steven to conduct CPR.

"I don't know, I hope that we can still resuscitate him," I hear him say in a cold and raspy voice. He is still so preoccupied to Steven's current state that he has not yet noticed the chants the people here are saying in soft muttered voices.

"But Harris, we have to go," I decided to stay on look-out while he performs the cpr but the moment I look up to the people who are wearing white robes, they have stopped their chantings and their black eyes are on us.

"Harris?" I look at them one by one and I notice than one of them looks familiar.

"Jane," I whisper. I bet with all the willpower in me, it is Jane. The girl in the lobby! I get my goosebumps as realizations start to pour within me. Jane is looking at me with her black eyes while a smile starts to creep on her face.

Are we really in a dream?

Or is this just a ploy made by this hotel's management?!


I feel a very strong pressure build in me and it is now overtaking my being. I have never been this angry to anyone in my entire life! I clench my fist as I start marching towards the girl right across the pool where Harris and I currently are and mindlessly, go towards her.

My Mom

My newfound Friends

I notice Jane look at the two people beside her as she mouths, catch her.

"NO!" I can hear Harris screaming behind me. "Amy! Don't go there!"

I shout and pointed at Jane, "YOU!"