Chapter 24

"So." Brayden leaned back in his chair. "I've been wondering what I should call you."

Wil paused. "Sorry?"

"Well, it occurred to me when I was sending off my report this morning that I'm still calling you Wilfred Calder when it's obviously not your name. So I'm wondering what your real name is."

A queasy bubble rose in the back of Wil's throat, but he stubbornly swallowed it down along with another spoonful of soup. He pushed the spoon back into the bowl and swirled it slowly. "How d'you know it's not my name?"

Brayden sighed. "We've been through this. And by the time we get back to Putnam, we'll have confirmation from Lind. Anyway, in case you'd forgotten, you admitted you were Riocht's Chosen last night--that makes you a Dominionite, and not Wilfred Calder. Let's put away at least one game between us, shall we?"