Chapter 42

THEY WERE both kitted and ready by the time Kenton came back, Wil's pack stuffed with what he'd arrived with plus clothes--Mistress Afton had been even more generous than he'd thought--soap, some of the food tins, and dried fruits from Brayden's pack. "In case we get separated," Brayden had said. Wil decided he couldn't decide if that thought made him hopeful or apprehensive. There was also a bedroll made up of three of the blankets from the cupboard in the bathroom behind Locke's office. Wil had been working himself up to a healthy snit that Brayden and Locke had had indoor plumbing all this time, and there he'd been with his bucket, but Brayden had distracted him with the discovery of two pairs of clean wool stockings, stuffing them into Wil's pack and saying Locke would have approved.