Chapter 54

"IT'S BEST if you do it away from you." Brayden was watching carefully as Wil trimmed wet bark away from pine branches. "Do it toward you and slip...." Brayden opened a hand and shrugged.

Wil nodded and adjusted his hold, the heft and grip of Brayden's wicked dagger a surprisingly comfortable fit in Wil's palm. It had been awkward going, getting used to doing it with his left hand, but once Wil caught the rhythm, his speed picked up considerably.

Brayden was working on the bigger limbs with the hatchet. He sat on the ground atop one of the saddles, propping the branches from shoulder to ground between his legs and hacking off chunks in a steady spray. His boots were already half-buried in bark and curled shims. He was angled away from the fire, gaze shifting constantly to different points in the forest and doglegging around the curtain of the cloaks with every other sweep.