Chapter 68

IT WAS almost belatedly that Wil thought of Millard, of how he'd known simply by shaking Brayden's hand.

He snatched at Calder's elbow. "You can't let that man touch him." He slid a look over at Shaw, busy with preparations for surgery, then back to Calder. "He'll know, he'll see."

Calder merely shook his head and gave Wil's hand a light pat. "Lad," he said quietly, "Shaw is the rare man who won't see when blindness is necessary and won't ask questions you shouldn't answer. Trust him as you do me."

Wil gave him a flat look. "Are you trying to be funny?"

Calder didn't even waste time or effort on reassurances Wil wouldn't believe anyway, only smirked and went to join Shaw.