Chapter 70

"TELL ME about the gift," he asks Father. "Tell me how to help him."

Father smiles dreamily, sighs a song. "At last the binding begins." It's dulcet and slow. "Weave it well."

"I don't know what that means." He can't help the anger. He's tired of hints and allusions and nonsense advice that means nothing. "Can't you just say it, damn it, just for once?"

But Father only closes his eyes, a lone tear leaking from one corner. "You accept a cage like you belong in one, beautiful Gift." Another sigh, this one deep and wrenchingly sad. "And yet the keys to your prison are right within your grasp."

And then He's gone, leaving Wil alone but not alone. Wil turns and looks behind him.

He's not surprised to find Brayden here, Watching as always, but he is rather surprised by Brayden's hereness, his presence, which has always before been more a part of the background and not as finely etched and clear as it is now.

Certainly no threat.