Chapter 75

Funny, how Wil remembered what Shaw had called the treats but not the name of whatever sickness the two patients had. Dallin would have chuckled, except for the statement buried within.

Wil had asked for books. For Dallin.

Dallin was absurdly touched. "Sounds like you had an interesting morning."

Wil's gaze scudded over to the door and quickly back again. His expression went sour. "Mm." He shook it off. "And how are you feeling?"

"Amazingly well. Still pretty sore, and oddly shaky, but that's all. Well, thirsty."

"From losing so much blood. The shakiness. That's what Shaw said. You're to drink a lot of water and eat. He should be by with your lunch soon."

It made sense to Dallin. A simpler and more pleasant therapy than it might have been. "Now if I could just get some damned clothes."

Wil's glance flicked over Dallin's bare chest, then quickly to his own lap. He shifted on the undersized mattress. His mouth pinched down tight.