Chapter 98

WIL STRETCHED and loosed a groan, groping blind for the pillow and dragging it over his head. Burrowed deeper into the sheets. He felt... good. Rested. Content.

It had been slower the second time, more attention spent on exploration and the insistence on feeling every sensation, but no less intense. More of a sharing than a taking. A little more fear inside the pleasure. A tiny smile twitched at the corner of Wil's mouth. A little bit scary was all right. A little bit scary was... rather nice, actually. Reminded him to keep feeling.

"Bloody hell." He smacked himself through the pillow. "Go to bed a man, and wake...."

'Wil, damn it, wake up. We don't have time!'

Wil opened his eyes and frowned up at the drab gray of the ceiling. He stretched again. Strange dreams, too alive, too.... Had he been following? Had someone been following him?