Chapter 102

DALLIN TURNED on Calder, jaw set. "*This* is why you should've told me."

He shouldered away the young man crouching beside Wil, not pausing for pleasantries, and dragged Wil upright. The young man didn't go away, merely moved to Wil's other side and hovered, honest concern on his open face. Dallin measured, then dismissed him, shifting his glance to Shaw as he arrived behind Calder, huffing and blowing with the exertion of his sprint, then to the three who came behind him. Dallin shot a heated glare at every one of them.

"You don't *fuck* with people like this."

He tightened his grip and took a slow step forward. He dipped his head to Wil's ear. "I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be up yet, and I got... distracted."

"What...?" Wil turned his face into Dallin's coat, gripping at it with clutching fingers, breath thin and fast through clenched teeth as he stumbled and lurched, clinging but trying to keep his feet. "What *is* this?"