Chapter 110

WHAT NEXT seemed to be a whole lot of more or less polite arguing about whether Lind as a whole should be told about the truth of the Aisling and the Guardian, and if so, exactly how it should be done. Dallin, being Dallin, wanted a gathering and an announcement, and then criers to all points to make sure the farthest reaches were informed. The Old Ones, as a whole, preferred to maintain their traditional silence as a policy. And if they couldn't have that, they advocated a whisper campaign with no confirmation from themselves or Dallin.

"Let the people believe what they want to believe," Marden had argued. "Gossip can sometimes be most useful."

To which Dallin replied, somewhat heatedly, "Right, and they'll either have Wil burned at the stake or crammed on a makeshift throne."

'Expecting me to shoot fire from my eyes,' Wil had put in silently, but since that wasn't too far off the mark, he kept his mouth shut.