Chapter 113

WIL, DALLIN decided grimly, had already made up his mind. Accepted the end as if he knew what was coming and was perfectly all right with it. Sad, perhaps, a bit frightened, but not so much that he'd look for or accept another answer.

It was like holding on to someone who was already dead.

Dallin suppressed a shudder, took Wil by the shoulders, and pushed him upright. The chill hit right away, where Wil's warmth had swathed him a second ago, but Dallin didn't pull Wil back, though he almost wanted to. Instead he patted at Wil's shoulders, and pulled away.

Wil wasn't done looking yet, lost in the sight and sound of the falls, so Dallin merely withdrew, paced slowly back to the cliffside wall, and leaned his back to it. He stared at his boots.