Chapter 121

Dallin was right to be suspicious of them. If asked, Wil wouldn't have been able to prove it, but he knew it anyway. The Old Ones were lying to Dallin, every one of them, and if not lying outright, then at least not saying everything.

Dallin said he'd heard the land protest when the Brethren stepped onto it. Was it so unreasonable to assume the Old Ones possessed at least a faint echo of that same connection?

They'd known all those years ago. Wil knew they had; they *had* to have.

"Everything appears adequate from up here," Dallin was saying. "Healdes tells me all of the patrols have been alerted, and we can't do much more until they start finding and turning over whatever dens they've managed to hole up in. I'd like to ride out in the morning and--"
