Chapter 138

A PLACE of his own choosing, because it's as close to safety as Wil has ever known. Before he even was Wil, Father would come to him in this place, speak to him like he was real and worth something more than what he could do, what was in him. He couldn't always understand the things Father said to him, but he's known since he could know anything that the warmth he felt inside the words was love. The eventual comparison was what made him understand that what came from Siofra--captor, gaoler, tormenter--was nothing more than a cheap, transparent mockery. A perversion. Father taught Wil how to love, even though Wil hadn't recognized it for that for far too long, and that helped him to see it in his Guardian's eyes, recognize it, and for that... for that, even if there were nothing else, Wil would still love Father.

So many more reasons, though, and he wishes he hadn't so stubbornly failed to see them. He's wasted so much time on anger.