Chapter 147

TAKING WHEELER and his men was almost disappointingly easy.

Wheeler's arrogance contributed to the ambush, which was no more strategic than Dallin's party skulking in the shadows with weapons drawn and flanking them. The "great general" had obviously been expecting to just stroll in, and take the Aisling, probably execute Dallin in the bargain, and the look of anger and embarrassment on his broad face when he found himself surrounded was fairly amusing. But the familiar chittering buzz that slipped up Dallin's backbone, Wheeler's attempt to push him and take control of the situation, was not.

"Can't we just kill him?" Dallin muttered to Wil, only half-joking, because this man was lower than those he led, more contemptible. At least the Brethren truly believed they served the Father, even if they'd completely lost sight of what that might once have meant. Wheeler had no delusions about whom he served.