Chapter 156

Heofon stared at Singrene, his gaze moving quickly from anger to sadness to guilt and then, finally, to resignation. "As you will." He sighed. "For all of Calder's madness, there was sense and wisdom at the core of his objections." His gaze moved once again to Singrene, blazing this time. "The sense was the seed from which the madness sprang." He seemed to take no satisfaction from Singrene's acquiescent nod, only more sorrow. Heofon turned his gaze back to Wil, softened it. "And for all that sense," he went on gently, "he was wrong. We were wrong. And we would have guided you wrongly had the Shaman allowed it."

"We would have counseled remove," Singrene said. "We would have counseled retreat until his instruction and training were complete. We would have counseled that he keep his promise to you and put a gun to your head." He lifted his chin and looked at Wil straight. "We would have counseled execution."