Chapter 26: Seeping Quicksand

Ambrose Drak

"That's cheating," Ambrose shouts out as he continues to scale the side of the bluff. She's got tenacity. He'll give her that much.

"Was not." Mercy drags herself out of the water then rolls onto the hard surface of the stone floor. "That wasn't a hot spring."

Six feet from the bottom, he lets go of the wall and free falls the rest of the way, landing on dry stone.

"I'm pretty sure that was cheating." Approaching, he takes in every inch of the purplish hue of her chilled skin. "So, was it worth it?"

Goose bumps cover her flesh. "If it makes you shut up, then yes, it was."

Ambrose extends a hand. She places her fingers on his palm, and he pulls her to her feet.

"Tell you what," he says, "I'll give you that one."