Chapter 41: Friend or Foe

Ambrose Drak

An inhuman screech wails.

Ambrose's ears ache from the inside out. "By the Gods, what ungodly beast lurks, making that sound?"

"Hsss." Mercy exposes her teeth. Cupping her hands over her ears, she bows her head as if in pain.

Ambrose, torn between his need to protect her from the imminent dangers the castle grounds hold at the order of his uncle and this stranger who now speaks in riddles, he contemplates his next move.

"You, Ambrose Drak, second of his name, are only a speck of dust among the many threads to be strummed." The cloaked man raises a hand overhead. The ball of light spins faster.

Head cocked, Ambrose studies the figure. "You have me at a disadvantage." He's of medium build, no taller than Braylin or himself. "What is your name, stranger?"

The man's dress, free of a belt, indicates a lack of weapons.