Chapter 50: LetOs Play

Mercy Hall

The air is dank and musty just as she recalls.

She summons the senses of her inner gargouille, and her pupils dilate. A familiar earthy green tint fills her vision.

The three-by-six-foot tunnel, paved in brick instead of dirt, offers a vast improvement from its crude earlier version. Plus, now, the smooth walls lead to an arched ceiling.

Change, it can be good in some instances, such as the bricking in this passage.

Moving forward, she must remember to alter her choices. Her brother's life, and hers, could hinge on what she does next.

With each step she makes, fear twists her gut into tight balls of pain. An image of Tanager running Graysen through makes her gasp.

Tears brim her lower lids, and her body quakes.

Not this time, she silently vows, it will be different - it must be.

In the middle of the floor, she shuffles across something hollow.

A trap door. The same one she and Clementine opened together.