Chapter 61: YouOve Got Balls

Ambrose Drak

It's odd to think in this timeline, more than a hundred and fifty days has passed. Yet, for him, it's been less than seventy-two hours. And the ruthless man his uncle had been prior is no more. At least, not from what he's learned around the campfire. Now, with Augustus' return, he must know why.

At the hidden door, Ambrose and his group slip in unnoticed. Silently, he creeps along the stone wall of the garden, using the overgrown vegetation as cover.

Under the balcony of his room, he finds the door to the tunnel ajar. Without hesitation, he enters and follows the winding path to his bedroom.

Indistinct voices murmur ahead. One is female. Without question, it belongs to Mercy.

Ambrose eases the secret door to his bed chamber open.

Candlelight floods into the dark tunnel. When his vision adjusts, he spies his uncle next to the balcony, but there's no trace of Mercy. So, where is she?